Prior to DJT being in power, it was all business as usual. Those of us who were aware of the evil and corruption just took it day by day, not knowing how a change would ever occur. When 45 stepped in and gave us a new hope, MSM went ballistic, and ended up poisoning as many wells as possible. My marriage is nearly dead, my relationship with my son - who was indoctrinated at university has deteriorated, and my leftist sisters don’t communicate with me anymore. This has been an excruciating past few years. I’m running out of steam, and I’m sure I’m not the only one.
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Interesting that you mention the genetic trait. I’ve wondered about this. Why some of us are completely aware to the evil, while others so sound asleep. It really is a fascinating topic.
Yes to the genetic trait u/Bill_Paxton & u/Peekay8!
Since I discovered Q two months after the first post on October 28, 2017 this has been uppermost in my mind! Why us? Why are others minds closed? Unwilling to learn?
I can only say that I feel deep within my soul...we are MEANT to be here. The reason is known only to God...
You SAID IT!!! ?? We chose this mission before reincarnating to guide others IMO.
Interesting you should say that, because from a very early age, I was always able to see the odd thing of a bunch. For example, if walking on a beach, I would be able to find an unusual shell among thousands of similar shells, or if in a place where there were rocks scattered, I would be able to pick out the one that has some cool crystal. I saw a show on TV once, where they highlighted people with unusual talents, and one guy could detect a SINGLE pixel different from two digital images of about a million pixels! (I'm not at that level, but I wonder if that guy sees through the MSM BS? :) )
I used to have to walk through Grand Central terminal on my way to work, and in the morning, it would be like a giant ant colony, with people going about 10 different directions, and all passing by each other. Rarely would anyone have to do one of those stop and re-direct their path maneuvers. So I guess my ability was as good as the thousands of others :)
Makes perfect sense.
I'm a Scorpio. There is no scientific justification for astrology, zero, zilch, absolutely none! You can find just as many true "predictions" of astrology as you can any other random prediction. When you look for verification, you will find it; it is called confirmation bias. That same phenomena has to be very carefully guarded against with all things Q. The one source of totally reliable predictions, with all either proven already, or not yet proven, is the Bible.
Agreed ??
I am a sagittarius and would give my life fior President Trump and Patriots. I searched for the truth and found it. Perhaps some of us sagittarius are taking the longer path to realization and I pray that they, and all who search are Greatly Awakened.
I don't believe in astrology, but I'm a Libra, so have you noticed any Libras and what they're doing/thinking during this time? I have no idea.
Do Taurus next
Scorpio here; a Veteran, proud Trump supporter and been Constitutionally Conservative my whole life. My niece and I share Birthdays and she’s a truly evil character. I’ve always been a peacemaker and Truther at heart. Very giving. That demon-witch Killary and I also share Birthdays...and you have no IDEA how much that bugs me ?. We ARE now into the Age of Aquarius and there’s A LOT to that, but I’ve never seen how astrology shoehorns “alike” people together so I call it BS. I hold firm that we’re reliving the Book of Esther and God WINS!!! -Peace
Like I said, it’s all bunk to me.
lmao @ "egg-pilled"