Evergreen. Video from last July. This guy knows whats up
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This guy doesn't personally "know" anything.
How in the sheol are you still here?
wow, tooknme two seconds
Yeah, it's totally a mystery why the mods don't jump and do whatever you shillpacks want. It must have been really nice back when you owned more, and could just make anyone go away. But the good news is, you can still do that on Twitter.
This account is a known faggot shill. Block and move on. If mods aren’t going to ban a faggot then by far and large he can be ignored.
LOL "Block"
That button has never worked. It cant be fixed, sorry. Reddit destroyed the code.
Why the Block button is there, no one knows.
<browse Unhappymeal's comment history><low whistle>
You sure like saying "faggot" a lot. --Are you a faggot?
I mean, it is a common prevarication of pro shills masquerading as phony patriots who spend all day drowning research sites under tons of worthless, acerbic blather calculated to drive passers-by away.
You are a fucking shill. Deport button on every single post you make. Fuck you .
Fuck off you have no clue.