posted ago by SJBHamilton ago by SJBHamilton +74 / -0

Tyranny. What is it, really? It is when a group holds power in government, sufficient to rule a nation. Yes, a simplistic explanation, but good enough for our purposes. You all say the way to prevent tyranny is through the ownership of weapons, which will allow you to fight back against any government which seeks to control this nation through "tyranny" of power.

But your thinking is myopic. Look at the last year under the pandemic. What happened?

Well, briefly, churches, concert venues, sports venues and other such gathering places, like parks and such, were all shut down. You howled at how this is an abuse of power. But you were literally powerless to stop it.

Was this not an exercise in "tyranny" of the State? Yes, of course it was. And did your ownership of weapons prevent it? Did you call everyone to arms to oppose it?

No, you did not.

And that is the point, why your thinking is myopic.

The tyranny that is overtaking the United States was a form not foreseen by the Founding Fathers.

They did not see the rise of a progressive movement which would invade the education system, inculcate your children into a way of thinking, and therefore create a compliant populace. For this is exactly what has been taking place for over 40 years now in all educational institutions in the United States.

The numbers of a voting compliant population is growing every year by at least 2-3 million, graduates of high school, even college (when people actually become more serious about voting).

And your numbers, those of you who hold to the 2nd amendment, are dwindling by a similar number every year.

You can see already that we are at a tipping point in US history. The compliant populace is becoming the majority now, and they are voting against liberty and freedom of the traditional variety, and now voting for security and safety, which they believe only the government can provide.

It doesn't matter that they are mistaken. It is what they believe because it is what they have been taught.

The United States is moving inexorably toward tyranny. And there is nothing you can do to stop it. Your weapons will not prevent it, no matter how "organized" you are with militias or other "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" groups.

This tyranny will come about without a shot being fired (for the most part). It is being birthed in the voting booths across this land. The people are clamouring for it and cheering its coming.

Your weapons are useless against this slowly emerging tyrannical state.