The Virology Journal – the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health – published it on August 22, 2005. He hid the information & people died.

this has been widely shared since last March. I personally sent these publications to several MDs. TDS affects medical judgment. They refuse to see.
I don't understand why the public is not outraged. People need to go to his house at night with pitchforks and torches and drag him out of his house into the cold mud.
The Rockefellers took over the medical schools and big Pharma a long time ago. Instead of holistic medicine we went to treating symptoms with drugs and the Rockefellers got very rich. So many doctors are liberal and have been brainwashed, unfortunately. What I don't get, there is no harm in checking other facts. About a shot with brand new technology. Wouldn't they be curious?
Hollywood director and documentary film maker Aaron Russo has gone in-depth on the astounding admissions of Nick (Nicholas) Rockefeller, who personally told him that the elite's ultimate goal was to create a microchipped population and that the war on terror was a hoax, Rockefeller having predicted an "event" that would trigger the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan eleven months before 9/11
Pandemics, Wars, Natural Disasters, What they want (To be Gods and Kings), How many people (serfs) should be alive to serve them, The nature of man, Climate control, What they want to do to the Earth, Man's future, the Universe.
They are evil, greedy, narcissistic, self-centered psychopaths without a soul or conscience. And they think we are below them.
Oh I totally agree. His rationale to Russo was that it was something to do as he and his lot were bored.
Right there with you. I’m outraged beyond anything. All this COVID shit is about to break apart my family. I know many families have already been broken- but enough is enough! Of all things happening this covid shit needs to end IMMEDIATELY. Of course all the child trafficking needs to end , but I believe that’s happening behind the scenes.
My mother, sister and brother all took the Covid jab. I spoke to them, sent them articles, videos, doctor testimonies, videos of people shaking, etc. They didn't even look at them. Wouldn't you want to know what's inside a shot that has never been given before? How about these doctors taking the shot and dying or having a miscarriage?
I don't know if I will have an immediate family. At this point, I don't mention it and they leave me alone, although they told me they hope I get it. Still on speaking terms. But that shot will kill you sooner or later.
Videos of serious side effects not covered by the media:
How it will harm you (Dr Tenpenny):
Social media has brainwashed EVERYONE. It takes a few months free to realize how much control it had over your mind.
Dr. Emmauel KNEW IT! Then, they destroyed her in the media!!
Yes, Dr. Emmanuel knew it. I saw her demanding an apology to those who put her down, lol. In fact I was ready to fly from CA to Texas to see her if my family got sick.
Now AmericasFrontlineDoctors.com have set up via computer a way to talk to them and if they think it might be Covid, they will send you the cure. Dr Zelenko does this too.
There are also ways to prevent the Covid virus and many others with:
Quercitin - blocks viral entry into cell.
Vitamin D3 - boosts immunity.
Zinc - Blocks virus from multiplying.
The virus isn't bad enough to even worry about that.
It's been a year.
If it was bad enough to need that stuff you'd know a ton of people sick enough to motivate you for that.
I've yet to meet anyone who's had anything worse than the flu
Yes, and Dr. Simone Gold.
He is therefore a murderer and a traitor to his people. Like Cuomo.
M U R D E R !!
Death Penalty....must be public
I don't remember where I saw it, but I believe he participated in a study and authored an article about the impact of bacterial pneumonia from mask use killing many people. In 1918.
The New World Order is using EVERY method available to kill us now.
J Infect Dis. 2007 Apr 1;195(7):1018-28. doi: 10.1086/511989. Epub 2007 Feb 23. The 1918 influenza pandemic: insights for the 21st century David M Morens, Anthony S Fauci
He wrote a paper on it.... i believe 2010 to 2015
Fauci = Mengele
Deserves Khadhaffi Treatment
Thank you so much for this thread and link. You are doing excellent work and it is appreciated.
Keep fighting the good fight - YOU are helping to save lives.
Peace to all of you expressing outrage and frustration in this thread; I'm right there with you.
Nobody died from CV19. They died, yet tested positive. However, he obviously knew HCQ acts as a viral inhibitor. That's a big take away here. The cure for cold and flu has been known since at least 2005.
I think MD's have some sort of god complex. The majority believe the average person is an idiot and can't correctly draw conclusions for themselves. They treat us like we can't possibly be trusted with our own health.
And if anyone doubts this, go to r/meddit and read for yourselves.
They are a bunch of self-important assholes who flout their arrogance while mocking or demeaning the patients who pay their bills.
They are so isolated in their bubbles that they often have no clue about things that we independent researchers have studied. I fired my oncologist because I realized that he had no knowledge of nor interest in the newest treatment protocols. Of course not, because it supported shortening my expensive chemo by three months.
And for all of their superior educations their spelling and grammar is shit.
Yep. This was shared around a lot last year...
The thing is people have no memory due to excessive social media addiction
Could Fauci be the first arrest? Please let it be.
Happen to have a link for this? ty
Kary Mullis - Inventor and Nobel prize winner of PCR test on Dr. Fauci: Mullis no surprising died in 2019. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffnt&q=kary+mullis+fauci&iax=images&ia=images&iai=https%3A%2F%2Feuropa.is%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2020%2F12%2FKary-mullis-pcr-on-Fauci-1-1024x471.jpg
thank you so much!
I plastered this all over my fakebook last year. Know what the normies had to say about it? "Cant believe everything you read on the internet" "why is he on tv saying blah blah blah?" "That article is old,things have changed since it was written"
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
Albert Einstein