It’s really rough not being able to talk about this stuff with everyone. I’m sick of being made to feel like Im a fool for being interested in anything other than the mainstream narrative. After being “awake” for like 15 years now, Im finding myself losing patience and respect for so many people...people who i used to look up to.
I’m very grateful for this community...makes me feel less lonely.
Never ask God for patience....he’s all....ok, wait.
This war is one drop at a time a leaky faucet. But over time those drops fill the sink but it's hardly noticeable until its full....We are now the plug so as it fills it's being noticed. Keep the faith!
Thank God you guys were here after VOAT. I would have probably lost my mind! Thank you all for EVERYTHING!
I'm also a refugee from Voat
Glad they were here.
I found that site about 4 days before it shut down :(
Ah mate, I've been awake since the election and some days I feel like I wanna go xrazy. I can only imagine how you feel and tell you I admire your dedication. It's a terrifyingly wonderful thing being awake, isn't it?
I agree it's been hard. Although, little conversations for me have been popping up a lot the past 2 weeks. The other day, the furnace tech was at our place. We had a good conversation regarding the ccp virus, masking, etc. We were basically on the same page so it felt good. Yesterday my daughter and son-in-law were visiting and we spoke about the nasal swabs, vaccines etc. Another topic was the 'brainwashing' of the people. How, over time, social media/MSM has taken away our societies ability to use God-given antennas such as logical reasoning, common sense and gut instinct. How it has altered our societies ability to reason sensibly with the world around us and furthermore has given big tech an open book for manipulating the ‘thinking’ of the people and twisting reality to conform to their playbook. Also agreeing that the book does not have a happy ending for the average person but instead is meant to enrich and benefit a certain group of elites. I don't get into the deep conversations with people. You have to wake them slowly little by little. No matter what, some will never open their eyes and we can't change that. I am thankful for this community as I am fairly new to wakening this site helps me a lot which in turn helps me help others. It all becomes a chain reaction as we are the links and unbreakable!
I had a phone conversation with an old friend (40+ years) over the weekend, where he told me that he has had both vaccines, the BBC told him everything was safe, he is facing a step daughter with a dilemma, she has a blood clotting condition he thinks it's safe for her to get the shot, I suggested otherwise,
net result is that I am crazy, always talking about conspiracy theories.. he sounded actually angry with me. he was a rebellious lefty, once upon a time, but now he is interwoven into the very fabric of the matrix.
I hope we are still friends after I sent him the link to the Gateway Pundits report, based on the data published by the European Medicines agency showing a breakdown of deaths and injuries caused or linked to vaccinations.
I doubt if he will even read it,
I hope that we are still friends, especially after DJT is installed as President, when he will owe me a grand on the wager.
The reason he's angry with you is that you're forcing him to question his own decisions/beliefs. As they say "it's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they were fooled".
Yup...i try and ask people leading questions, and they get so mad at me haha. I dont have the finesse at all...i want to call them dumbasses to their faces. But, i wont do that because they literally dont know any better
I drove from Chicago to Minneapolis to see him speak at the Rally for the Republic. Got a signed copy of The Revolution a Manifesto ❤️??
When there is a confluence of the right person, the right time, and the right yearning for change that is urgently needed within the people, amazing things can happen like Trump. Ron Paul didn't quite push all the buttons, but he gets huge credit from me for being a determined implacable counter-narrative outsider when this notion was almost unknown, when there were no alternate viewpoints. So many Paul supporters have made the natural transition to Trump supporters since that spirit and spark once kindled really doesn't extinguish easily.
Aww, thanks bud. Raincheck? Gonna try and get a few hours of sleep in. Thank you ?
You can also try I recomend chat only though. 9 times out of 10 you get a spam bot but you'll eventually run into a human who is actually trying to chit chat and not sext lol. Also I found people from the middle east when you ask them questions they tell you they cant say. Very intrestinf honestly.
I been down with the movement so long I remember when Alex Jones was shilling VHS tapes
I used to fall asleep listening to him...the rage was soothing...was happy someone was saying it! I can’t listen to him anymore though...
I understand. I am not a listener anymore either.
You will be in my daily prayers from now on Misschelle. I just found out most of the hairy stuff this year, and I thank God every day I am a late bloomer. But please know I am praying for you people that have known this stuff for Years.. God Bless you and Thank you for telling the rest of us who want to understand...
Aren’t you lovely! Thank you very much! Yeah, we all need to stick together. Everyone learns in their own time, which is why patience is a virtue. ??❤️
Just wanted to say hi & i hope you’re having a nice day ❤️??
Oh, you are so sweet.. Yes, My parents got in from 2 states away last night for a 2-week visit.. Very blessed... I prayed for you last night and like I said I will pray for you for the rest of my life.. I took the red pill on Jan. 6th.. You knowing for so LONG it just hurts my heart that people have known with really no power to do much about it. I'm so thankful because if it wasn't for Yall knowing and telling/talking about this Evil, I don't even want to think about that part... The Lords in control so I am Thankful and sad at the same time I guess you could say..
Yeah, everything is going to be fine. They dont know they are idiots ?
I dont care about the sheep at this point. Let them sleep and take the pain..A will never again trust big goverement no mather who's in charge.
we are strategically "placed" around the globe to wake others up
this is while you feel like everyone around you is zzzzzzz
thank God for the vision and continue to be patient..
Thanks love ❤️
Why are not able to talk with people?
Why are you afraid of speaking the truth?
We are all the voices of the Great Awakening, or the end of SILENCE to the crimes of the Satanic Cabal.
Im not afraid. I just don’t have the energy. And i would like to keep my relationships.
You just said you were losing respect for those relationships. Now, you want to keep them?
As for not having the energy to speak the truth. That is just sad, and perhaps why you are not in control of your relationships.
Dude...i still love them. Even though they are dumbasses.
And its ok to be tired. You dont know nice...fuck.
nice ? lol I am disagreeing with you and calling out your hypocrisy.
Too bad.
Fuck head
Loose Change..9/11 definitely did it. Then lots and lots of documentaries...Jordan Maxwell, David Icke, vaccines, mkultra etc. it was so interesting, i wanted to share! Then I realized how brainwashed everyone was when i tried to talk about it.
I wont give up. Thanks friend. Yes, they need to see it can never happen again
You ok Sir?
Reg, mate, is this your first time on organic Sativa ?