Imagine a fictional scenario that never happened.. just imagine!
Now while you are imagining that fiction, pay no attention to the guy being a muslim terrorist, just like the twitter poster! What a coincidence. But better to focus on the fiction than common sense assault-muslim control
Mr Hasan carefully avoids mentioning the fact that the murdering gunman was a Muslim supporter of Louis Farrakan leader of the Nation of Islam,
but still tries to link the matter to gun control.
But the absolute truth of the matter is that the perp DID NOT use an AR-15.... so he asks us to "IMAGINE" it. How lame is that?
"No actual gun violence occurred here, so you will have to IMAGINE it....and then support GUN CONTROL!"
^^Ding ding ding.
In other breaking news: "Smart man hits the nail on the head"
Let me try.
Imagine that the Muslim that attacked the capitol was an illegal alien instead of a citizen.
Just another example of why we need to deport all illegals and close the borders.
Imagine a fictional scenario that never happened.. just imagine!
Now while you are imagining that fiction, pay no attention to the guy being a muslim terrorist, just like the twitter poster! What a coincidence. But better to focus on the fiction than common sense assault-muslim control