I went to mass this AM and the priest talked about symbol of the candle and how it was light out of the darkness. A secret smile behind the mask as I thought of all of you. Happy Easter!
Christ has risen indeed! Alleluia! Praise be to God for His death and victory over our sin He took on Himself, over death, and over the evil one. Thank God for His suffering for our sake! Thank God for the free gift of eternal life, a perfect physical bodily resurrection in Jesus Christ.
I do rejoice. And because He died, I live.
Love you all! I thank God for you all.
Just remember, although we get frustrated and become irate, Satan already lost. We know how this ends, so just keep going and loving eachother.
May your Resurrection Sunday be filled with Joy and Miracles!
Happy Easter! ???
I went to mass this AM and the priest talked about symbol of the candle and how it was light out of the darkness. A secret smile behind the mask as I thought of all of you. Happy Easter!
He is Risen indeed!
He is risen indeed!
Proving death has no sting, we live on forever with our Savior! He is risen indeed! Glory, Glory Hallelujah!!
Christ has risen indeed! Alleluia! Praise be to God for His death and victory over our sin He took on Himself, over death, and over the evil one. Thank God for His suffering for our sake! Thank God for the free gift of eternal life, a perfect physical bodily resurrection in Jesus Christ.
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Trump is the real jesus. The other one if fake news.
Nobody here believes that.