Christians around the world celebrate Easter https://hotair.com/archives/ed-morrissey/2021/04/04/roll-away-stone-happy-blessed-easter-readers/
Professed Catholic Joe Biden fails to mention Christ at any point in his Easter address, but mentions covid19 seven times https://twitter.com/OANN/status/1378886976049385474
Mississippi joins Texas as state that doesn’t see adverse effects of dropping mask mandate https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/mississippi-texas-not-seeing-cases-mask-mandates
Psaki is flat-footed again when she is asked why Biden isn’t boycotting Olympics in China just like he is supporting moving MLB out of Georgia https://www.dailywire.com/news/psaki-insults-reporter-for-asking-if-biden-will-pull-out-of-beijing-olympics-after-his-mlb-remarks
Schumer is lobbying for MLB to move the All-Star game to New York, where voting laws are actually more restrictive than they are in Georgia https://twitter.com/JonathanTurley/status/1378788003531927552
See you tomorrow.
He worships what his Chinese Communist overlords do: absolute totalitarian control of the population via any means necessary, including mass murder via bioweapons of mass destruction.
He honors not King David, but King Covid, who has united all the tribes of the world in mass fear, insane germophobia and mask worship.
No child-fucking pedophile like Biden worships Jesus.
Jesus would have him cast into the sea with a millstone tied round his neck...maybe with a red scarf just for effect
Lol at the red scarf. Scathing!
Yes it's a typo but accurate:
Rouge = red = traditional commie banner color
D & R parties should totally switch back to the prior colors: red for commies, blue for true blue patriots (meaning the voters...politicians, not so much)
You are right about the rough weed — it is called “Tares” from the “wheat and tares parable”. But it was no accident. Christ tells us the tares belong to Satan and Satan planted them in the garden next to the wheat. You can’t remove tares without destroying the wheat. But in the end, the tares will be destroyed. The wheat will be saved.
God doesnt have accidents.