That's why running your mouth on Twitter is only gonna get you in trouble.
They've probably been prepped for a False Flag and are impatiently waiting for their wish to come true, which would explain why they've been so bold to assume the race and political ideology of just about any perp.
Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy's troops without any fighting; he captures their cities without laying siege to them; he overthrows their kingdom without lengthy operations in the field.
It is not in our favor to wage war on foot. They control perception. Any and all actions would cost us far greater than any claimed benefit.
The only enemy we would face is the police and national guard. ANTIFA and BLM are split guerilla forces, and cannot be pursued.
We are in a battle of attrition. In such a battle, those with the stronghold are at greater advantage. Theirs' is the side of a well-defended stronghold.
Our task must be to cut off their supplies. In short, we must prevent them from gaining ammunition through the use of False Flags if we are to be successful.
The less energy we expend, the more they must expend to incite a confrontation. Doing so would also open their gates to our advance, if only such that we can loose a few arrows at random hoping to hit something meaty.
We must wait for them to make impatient mistakes, and ensure we are not tempted to err. That is the only way forward.
Every campaign they launch against the smallest of stories are adding up and soon will exhaust their stores of money and patience, further leading them to the path of rash mistakes and poor calculations.
Very true, more and more people are seeing the truth and waking up to the anti white Trump bias.
If we continue to be kind and truthful the shoe of domestic white supremacist terrorist is shown to not fit.
We only see the loud extreme leftists and BLM doing their 'justice' and protected and supported by the establishment. I'm sure growing numbers of normies also are waking to this. I saw a few posts today confirming this.
Normies and us just want to continue our lives in peace and happiness, we not blind to who the trouble makers are.
We need to continue praying and trusting God's will as soon enough all the loose ends we complain about will be tied together and entrapping and exposing all who are complicit.
There has been a load of red pilling regarding the GameStop/wall st saga. So many lefties on reddit shocked at how the msm has been lying to the people and are just mouth piece tools of the corrupt elite. It's their first experience of the gas lighting and lies and there have been I would say millions now that have been awakened. If the cabal/elite steal this then I would say there will be an uprising.
Yeah their false flags are getting pretty fucking pathetic lol. I bet none even died, as they were way to quick to do that drive by salute thing for the "fallen" officer. They probably both go new homes on pedo Island or some shit.
Lest we forget the age-old tale of Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, who many ages ago shot up a Boulder Colorado grocery store.
Just another guy who just wasn't white enough to be considered a bad guy...
at first they tried to blame the Real President but the wheels soon fell off that jalopy.
That's why running your mouth on Twitter is only gonna get you in trouble.
They've probably been prepped for a False Flag and are impatiently waiting for their wish to come true, which would explain why they've been so bold to assume the race and political ideology of just about any perp.
Actually, they want us. That's what makes "holding the line" so much fun.
Intellect beats emotion any day of the week, lol.
Sun Tzu:
It is not in our favor to wage war on foot. They control perception. Any and all actions would cost us far greater than any claimed benefit.
The only enemy we would face is the police and national guard. ANTIFA and BLM are split guerilla forces, and cannot be pursued.
We are in a battle of attrition. In such a battle, those with the stronghold are at greater advantage. Theirs' is the side of a well-defended stronghold.
Our task must be to cut off their supplies. In short, we must prevent them from gaining ammunition through the use of False Flags if we are to be successful.
The less energy we expend, the more they must expend to incite a confrontation. Doing so would also open their gates to our advance, if only such that we can loose a few arrows at random hoping to hit something meaty.
We must wait for them to make impatient mistakes, and ensure we are not tempted to err. That is the only way forward.
Every campaign they launch against the smallest of stories are adding up and soon will exhaust their stores of money and patience, further leading them to the path of rash mistakes and poor calculations.
Very true, more and more people are seeing the truth and waking up to the anti white Trump bias.
If we continue to be kind and truthful the shoe of domestic white supremacist terrorist is shown to not fit.
We only see the loud extreme leftists and BLM doing their 'justice' and protected and supported by the establishment. I'm sure growing numbers of normies also are waking to this. I saw a few posts today confirming this.
Normies and us just want to continue our lives in peace and happiness, we not blind to who the trouble makers are.
We need to continue praying and trusting God's will as soon enough all the loose ends we complain about will be tied together and entrapping and exposing all who are complicit.
There has been a load of red pilling regarding the GameStop/wall st saga. So many lefties on reddit shocked at how the msm has been lying to the people and are just mouth piece tools of the corrupt elite. It's their first experience of the gas lighting and lies and there have been I would say millions now that have been awakened. If the cabal/elite steal this then I would say there will be an uprising.
Let's not forget the DC Snipers Mohammed and Malvo were followers of Farrakhan.
Yeah their false flags are getting pretty fucking pathetic lol. I bet none even died, as they were way to quick to do that drive by salute thing for the "fallen" officer. They probably both go new homes on pedo Island or some shit.
They’d remember him if he was wearing Viking horns.
Mustn't disrupt the narrative...
not to mention those that have died in chicago this year alone...i guess those black lives dont matter if they die in a dem ran city...