Come back to me when you can think of a computer following its own instructions. And I'm not talking about a human written program telling the machine how to create a new program to run itself. That's still the computer following the instructions of the human.
Reading comprehension? I never said it was AI, in fact I specifically said it wasn't. I said it was not traditional programming. Here let me help you:-
Traditional programming Input + Program = Output / Neural Net: Input + Output = Program. It's irrefutably different.
Come back to me when you can think of a computer following its own instructions. And I'm not talking about a human written program telling the machine how to create a new program to run itself. That's still the computer following the instructions of the human.
Reading comprehension? I never said it was AI, in fact I specifically said it wasn't. I said it was not traditional programming. Here let me help you:-
Traditional programming Input + Program = Output / Neural Net: Input + Output = Program. It's irrefutably different.