"Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have reportedly sold $19 billion worth of shares in Chinese tech and US media companies. Traders are now wondering what caused the unusually massive move and whether it will continue next week. "
“I’ve never seen something of this magnitude in my 25-year career,” portfolio manager at Swiss-based Bellevue Asset Management AG, Michel Keusch, told Bloomberg.
They probably understand that the U.S. government will seize all media companies that were complicit in the election fraud and cover-up. Seized assets = 0 stock value.
It should include their necks, from which they will be suspended for a while.
I think EO 13818 means everything. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-13818-blocking-the-property-persons-involved-serious-human-rights-abuse-or
That is a possibility. Anyone here who is invested in the market may want to consider that and move a few things around while you still can. If the assets of a company are seized or take an Enron, you are screwed.