If you take a look at the graphic - Operation "Q" is only a fraction of it all, a tool to bring Truth to people. Ancient ET races are part of the puzzle too, but they're just a part of it, as well. The Great Awakening has been talked about long before Q appeared - in spiritual communities a shift of consciousness has been predicted and it is playing out right now. Just think of how many members on here have turned to God, how we are not afraid to speak about faith openly.
If you go into researching this map without judgment, you may find that Q has been hinting at deeper truths indeed- here are some pointers
#197 (why is this relevant?)
#100 (spirit cooking - why is this relevant, is alchemy real? what is the spirit? What is gained from consuming someones spirit?)
#3917 "Did you think 'spirit cooking' was just pretend?"
#4541 ("These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent......)
#4463 "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
#4462 Hints to collective consciousness and love being the key to peace: "Division is man-made.
Division is designed to keep you powerless.
Division is designed to keep you fighting each other.
Division is designed to keep you enslaved.
The Narrative Has You.
No one person is above another.
Unity is Strength.
Unity is Love.
Unity is Humanity.
Trust yourself.
Think for yourself.
Only when good people [collectively] come together will positive change occur."
Just some I could pull up. However let's not forget that Q drops are also not all-encompassing. There are things not mentioned by Q like the UFO declas by the CIA etc. and thus haven't been perhaps thoroughly explored on certain forums, yet that does not mean we cannot dig in these topics (seen in Map) as well and make up our own minds. Q gave us the tools.
I discovered Q immediately after the election and yes, my outlook on religion has totally changed. I have rediscovered my spirituality.
At the risk of sounding crazy, I was recently straying down the flat-earth path. I was never a flat earther ever, until i took a hard look at who really promotes the round earth theory and who mocks flat earth - they are almost all satanic cabal scientists. Newton/Gallileo/Magellan.. freemasons.. Steven Hawkins and Neil Degrass Tyson are modern day cabal puppets who regularly indoctrinate people on MSM.
So I'm somewhere between flat earth and everything on that map being true lol.
If I were the cabal and I wanted to discredit the Q movement, I would create an overcomplicated and crazy sounding map like this, just saying. Thanks for the effort, i'll look at the drops you mentioned.
Q has taught us that discernment is key. There are many false conspiracy theories out there like flat earth (Map also says flat earth is a psyop))to discredit). Just the same, there are many half-truths out there. Real truth, however, is not told, it is not even learned, it is experienced. I do not think you sound crazy at all. We need discernment even when it comes to spiritual matters. That's why I said, if you feel like it, I surely don't want to push it onto you, you may research some of these topics. In the end, it comes down to the question: do you believe in coincidences?
Do you believe that multiverse theory, quantum entanglement /observer effect (proves that all there is, is consciousness),
or time travel, AI, Alien and space faring movies are all pure fiction? Are these ideas purely fiction? Too crazy to research? Are you aware of "Project Gateway"?
The many projects and research into the occult that goes back centuries...mind control programs...secret space programs. This stuff is out there if we dare to look.
To be honest, at this moment, a massive round earth conspiracy created by Satan worshippers and propped up by a trillion dollar fake space industry and hollywood propaganda seems more realistic than all this stuff, but my personal research will continue.
Re: Mandella Effect - I am not blindly accepting the mainstream narrative of this story, that half the world remembers him dying and half does not, therefore confirming the multiverse / converging timelines etc... I believe the simplest explanation for the Mandella effect is that the cabal MSM accidentally aired a fake news story that he died, OR they accidentally told the truth that he died before reinstating a double in his place and walking back the death story.
Neither are actually based on Q drops, so to call them Q maps is disingenuous. The truther community existed before Q and is much larger than just the topics Q has directly addressed.
wow interesting, I had never heard about inserting the trip codes into google books.
Do you have any examples of Q posts? I found this one and entered the Q tripcodes on google books, the results had to do with freemasonry and flat-earth... wow
yes I am suspicious of this as well. Read my post below; After 6 months of Q i am somewhere between believing in flat earth and believing that everything on this Q map is true lol smh.
If you ever get a chance to look through a telescope,
the celestial bodies all look like balls .
None look like the edge of a nickel.
Best evidence for Aliens...Humans can't be the highest life form in the universe.
But , best evidence for God is anybody/thing that can get here is so far ahead us that they are gods by comparison.
Knowing god is in charge gives me great comfort, all the humans I have read about or met, definitely can't be in charge.
As for the giants, smaller planet, smaller gravity. Bigger life forms easier to move around. See Expando Planet Theory
I've read the Q posts multiple times and cant find references to the many SPACE / ET references that are on this and the popular Q-map.
Does anyone have Q drops or links to reliable info regarding the SSP or anything ET / Reptilian related at all?
If you take a look at the graphic - Operation "Q" is only a fraction of it all, a tool to bring Truth to people. Ancient ET races are part of the puzzle too, but they're just a part of it, as well. The Great Awakening has been talked about long before Q appeared - in spiritual communities a shift of consciousness has been predicted and it is playing out right now. Just think of how many members on here have turned to God, how we are not afraid to speak about faith openly. If you go into researching this map without judgment, you may find that Q has been hinting at deeper truths indeed- here are some pointers
#197 (why is this relevant?)
#100 (spirit cooking - why is this relevant, is alchemy real? what is the spirit? What is gained from consuming someones spirit?)
#3917 "Did you think 'spirit cooking' was just pretend?"
#4541 ("These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent......)
#4463 "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
#4462 Hints to collective consciousness and love being the key to peace: "Division is man-made. Division is designed to keep you powerless. Division is designed to keep you fighting each other. Division is designed to keep you enslaved. The Narrative Has You. No one person is above another. Unity is Strength. Unity is Love. Unity is Humanity. Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Only when good people [collectively] come together will positive change occur." #144
Just some I could pull up. However let's not forget that Q drops are also not all-encompassing. There are things not mentioned by Q like the UFO declas by the CIA etc. and thus haven't been perhaps thoroughly explored on certain forums, yet that does not mean we cannot dig in these topics (seen in Map) as well and make up our own minds. Q gave us the tools.
I discovered Q immediately after the election and yes, my outlook on religion has totally changed. I have rediscovered my spirituality.
At the risk of sounding crazy, I was recently straying down the flat-earth path. I was never a flat earther ever, until i took a hard look at who really promotes the round earth theory and who mocks flat earth - they are almost all satanic cabal scientists. Newton/Gallileo/Magellan.. freemasons.. Steven Hawkins and Neil Degrass Tyson are modern day cabal puppets who regularly indoctrinate people on MSM.
So I'm somewhere between flat earth and everything on that map being true lol.
If I were the cabal and I wanted to discredit the Q movement, I would create an overcomplicated and crazy sounding map like this, just saying. Thanks for the effort, i'll look at the drops you mentioned.
Q has taught us that discernment is key. There are many false conspiracy theories out there like flat earth (Map also says flat earth is a psyop))to discredit). Just the same, there are many half-truths out there. Real truth, however, is not told, it is not even learned, it is experienced. I do not think you sound crazy at all. We need discernment even when it comes to spiritual matters. That's why I said, if you feel like it, I surely don't want to push it onto you, you may research some of these topics. In the end, it comes down to the question: do you believe in coincidences? Do you believe that multiverse theory, quantum entanglement /observer effect (proves that all there is, is consciousness), or time travel, AI, Alien and space faring movies are all pure fiction? Are these ideas purely fiction? Too crazy to research? Are you aware of "Project Gateway"? The many projects and research into the occult that goes back centuries...mind control programs...secret space programs. This stuff is out there if we dare to look.
To be honest, at this moment, a massive round earth conspiracy created by Satan worshippers and propped up by a trillion dollar fake space industry and hollywood propaganda seems more realistic than all this stuff, but my personal research will continue.
Re: Mandella Effect - I am not blindly accepting the mainstream narrative of this story, that half the world remembers him dying and half does not, therefore confirming the multiverse / converging timelines etc... I believe the simplest explanation for the Mandella effect is that the cabal MSM accidentally aired a fake news story that he died, OR they accidentally told the truth that he died before reinstating a double in his place and walking back the death story.
4462 collective consciousness is all we need to know. Getting there is another story and it’s gonna be quite the journey.
Quite the journey perhaps, but the step we take now is the one that truly matters :)
Only thing im aware of is the third party connection between Q posting a Jordan Sather tweet and Sather's connection to Corey Goode.
I don't care for the graphic OP shared, and prefer the one put together by D. Monroe. https://greatawakening.win/p/12hRUvqZkP/need-more-rabbit-holes/c/
Neither are actually based on Q drops, so to call them Q maps is disingenuous. The truther community existed before Q and is much larger than just the topics Q has directly addressed.
Practice discernment at all times in all topics.
Check out Ascension glossary. You could get stuck reading there for hours lol
Put the various q trip codes in google book search, each returns huge lists of books, including ET related ones.
wow interesting, I had never heard about inserting the trip codes into google books. Do you have any examples of Q posts? I found this one and entered the Q tripcodes on google books, the results had to do with freemasonry and flat-earth... wow
!UW.yye1fxo leads to a few ET books
yes I am suspicious of this as well. Read my post below; After 6 months of Q i am somewhere between believing in flat earth and believing that everything on this Q map is true lol smh.
If you ever get a chance to look through a telescope, the celestial bodies all look like balls .
None look like the edge of a nickel.
Best evidence for Aliens...Humans can't be the highest life form in the universe. But , best evidence for God is anybody/thing that can get here is so far ahead us that they are gods by comparison.
Knowing god is in charge gives me great comfort, all the humans I have read about or met, definitely can't be in charge.
As for the giants, smaller planet, smaller gravity. Bigger life forms easier to move around. See Expando Planet Theory