[2017] Senator Pushes Bill To Ban Mandatory Human Microchips — Because It Could Happen
?? Theory ??
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I've been paying very close attention to all of this, actually. However, none of that is "the mark of the beast." The Anti-Christ has not yet risen to power and required anyone to accept their mark (whatever that ends up actually being) to buy or sell. Are we building up to it with everything going on? Absolutely. Accepting the mark of the beast isn't some Biblical metaphor for accepting communism (masks), or selling your soul to the devil (Hollywood).
Uhh... except it is.
The antichrist is here. Just like the body of Christ represents the Church or more specifically the body of his believers, the corpus of the anti-Christ is here already. Do you think the cabal controlled media is just going to announce “this is the anti-Christ, here he is, take his mark”??
Except they pretty much have done that and people are falling for it. Denying that the social credit system, vaccine passports or whatever you want to call it is anything other than antichristian, is foolishness.
the mark(logo) of those implementing it IS 666. They tell us everywhere in front of our faces!
The Anti-Christ is literally a person who rises to power promising world peace...has that happened yet?
I believe the anti-christ will stand in the newly built temple (not yet built but altar pieces have been) and claim to be Jesus Christ and the human sacrifices will once again begin to take place in that same temple.
The Bible speaks of the “spirit of the Antichrist” and “many antichrists”
Do you expect the announcement of the Anti-Christ to be broadcasted to everyones phone? (Rhetorical question)
Please watch Fall of the Cabal and its sequel in its entirety.
Bill Gates?
Can you elaborate how the shot is yhe mark of the beast? It feeps you're taking liberties with the theology and applying it where you see fit.
Quite simply.
Vaccine- vacca (Latin) of the cow[beast] Passport= Mark of (vaccination)
Mark of the Beast
But most simply is you will not be able to buy or sell without it. I don’t need any other ‘proof’
It’s also a denial of Gods creation, manipulating Gods creation at the fundamental cellular level in service of what we all know to be a lie.
Who is behind it?
WEF : logo= 666 6uild 6ack 6etter Lucius trust etc Etc.
They are franchise of the same entity They aren’t hiding it.
That clarified things a bit, thanks!
Once you accept it you give the power of life and death to the other. It becomes ‘sealed’ in your new IDentity; you are marked (like a beast) You are chattel, possession, property of the other etc
So Biden admin leaving it up to private corporations (marketplaces) to determine whether or not we can "buy/sell" with the determining factor being whether you got vaccinated or not, does that somehow not satisfy the qualifications to make it the mark of the beast?