Where is the list of pedo arrest link again? How many just since the Satan Bowl does this make? The swamp definitely extends past the DC fences. All this leads back to the top, and they start singing to save themselves.
I’m glad this guy is going to jail and can’t molest/rape kids ever again, but one dirty perverted cop has nothing to do with what we have been waiting for.
We're watching the dominoes fall for the pedos
Facebook blocks aharing it but I found another reference
Facebook is protecting chomos now...SMH
You can put it into a pastebin and share the link to the pastebin
Where is the list of pedo arrest link again? How many just since the Satan Bowl does this make? The swamp definitely extends past the DC fences. All this leads back to the top, and they start singing to save themselves.
I would love to know how many have been arrested! It Hass to be a huge number and maybe that would help to wake up more normies
I came across a spreadsheet with the pedo arrest on it and it was massive and spanned multiple years, but I'm not sure where.
Is this what younger thinking of?
I had not seen this version of it, but this will work. I like this one better. Thank you
tHiN BlUe lInE
"Just a few bad apples"
"I support the boys in blue"
tHiN BlUe lInE
The boot tastes so good!
Cops really fucked up supporting BLM, AntiFA and the elites over the people who supported them. They have an all time low now, I'd guess.
This is what happ na when we let FreeMasons run the show.
That’s good news! Having a crappy day dealing with normies so this cheers me up!
It's not PD, it's the Union.
He was an officer as well then became union chief.
demonrap city......
Looking forward to JDay
incompetent., bet they do a shitty job investigating pedophilia.
I’m glad this guy is going to jail and can’t molest/rape kids ever again, but one dirty perverted cop has nothing to do with what we have been waiting for.