I need advice
My mom is going to get the vaccine tomorrow and I need to at least try to convince her not to get it. Please send me to links where I can focus my points. I would really appreciate it thanks.
I found that this one seems to capture most of the talking points: https://www.deconstructingconventional.com/post/18-reason-i-won-t-be-getting-a-covid-vaccine
Also Dr Cole's lecture (~ half hour) is a good one saying the shot really isn't necessary (besides later him saying not to take it) (this is one of many sites the lecture has found itself now):
Best of luck convincing. A loved one of mine got a shot on Friday.
Thank you for the link. This will really help out.
Best of luck to you and your loved one.
So what's the point? You'll still have to wear a mask. You'll still have to keep your distance. AND you'll need to carry a "passport" to warn others that you could be an asymptomatic carrier.
both are excellent!
I would mention two facts: that all the animals they tested it on died, and the long term effects will not be known until 2023.
If she is still willing to get the jab after that, I don't know if anything could convince her otherwise.
BTW you are a good person, looking out for your mother like that.
Thank you. All I can hope for is that she's okay whether or not she got it.
Can you provide link that all animals tested died? I've seen this 'statement' many times but can't find sauce. Thanks in advance.
Source on this?
"Ok mom, if I can't talk you out of getting the jab, just do me one favor- all I ask. Wait to get the jab until after we bump up your life insurance policy. I will pay the extra to get it done. Yes, I am that serious about the danger you are about to put yourself in. Deal?"
Underrated comment right here y'all
Does she know which one she is getting? Knowing which one will help people focus their research/info.
I don't know yet. i'm going to assume worse case and just get generalized info on all.
Good question
Give up. The normies don't give a shit. You can put article after article in front of them and they will only tust the tv.
I have to at least try, or I feel like I won't forgive myself.
Tread carefully. This is a sensitive issue, and too much 'power' might turn her off and push her further to the shot. I have not mastered this either.
I have failed SO MANY TIMES. I used to take it personally. Im all PLEASE BELIEVE ME.
But, Im not an authoritative source. My facts are just “opinions”.
I'm a nurse working in community health and people still lash out and get all psychotic Karen on me when I mention anything. Even when they ask me what the side effects are and I tell them, they go coocoo for cocoa puffs.
Cognitive dissonance ?
And could very well push them to get it and just not tell you.
Say your part. Thats all you can do and wash you hands of it.
Give up the doomer attitude.... the GA is one of the many homes of the digital soldiers, never turn away from a chance to red pill a normie, no matter how small. That's what Q literally asked us to do.
I felt like that until somebody close to me who I thought was redpilled decided to just nod and smile then vote for the pedo and get the jab.
Holy shit!
At the very least, if you can not stop her a Fren posted this, I think yesterday. I have loved ones that took the jab and if I have to sneak these supplements into their diet that's the way it goes. Maybe the 2 of you can come to a compromise and say if you take it you must take these things. Hope it helps Fren good luck.
Thank you for this. I know there's a high chance I won't even get heard out, I take consolation in this.
Honestly I’m done trying to convince my family of anything. They’re about to give it to my great grandma. I’ll miss her.
All else fails...
Slash her tire. Then spend all day picking out a new one and miss the apt
Thank you all for the advice. I have calmed down, been armed with knowledge and will try my best to convince her if she will even hear me out.
i know ultimately at the end of the day, it us up to each of us individually to wake up Whether she wakes up or not, I still love her and only wish the best for her.
Again, I thank all of you in this community, and God bless you all.
If you have telegram, @covidvaccinevictims posts a lot of news stories also there is an interesting read fromprimary doctor.org. Also inform her that the injection is not FDA approved (it only has EUA, understand the difference) she would be participating in and experiential study, meaning that she is effectively a guinea pig.
Didn't you already ask this about a week ago. Seems odd you would ask the same exact question after already getting info?
The 18 reason article Rose1959 mentioned in the thread, I also recommend.
The video by Dr. Simone Gold is what opened my eyes:
Also, tell your mom that the safety trials weren't even completed and still in progress. She should wait for results to be posted there before deciding;
Safety studies for moderna vaccine underway (results to be posted in 2022)
And Pfizer vaccine (results to be posted in 2023):
In the meantime, ivermectin is already proven to be a safe alternative. John Campbell on YouTube had a good interview laying out why ivermectin is effective and safe treatment. There's some curiosity as to why the governments arent being proactive promoting this.
And lastly, data coming out already showing people in Israel who took covid-19 vaccine are getting infected with the new strain unusually more than people who didn't take the vaccine
Thanks but please remove all the trackers beginning with "?".
Honey....she’s going to do it. I’m sorry.
My dad did it too. He believes the media.
Pray ??❤️
Be brave dear friend. My mom and my step father, just like my older sister, all got the jab last week. I tried to talk to them, and it's been a while that I tried to wake them up about the whole "conspiracy" against humanity. But they never really took me seriously. Now, I just pray that they will be ok despite this vaccine. That's the only thing I can do.
Good luck man - my dad got his first jab last Friday. He's 80 yrs old, retired medical doctor. Wasn't much I could do to stop him. Showed him the CDC death reporting, he made some excuses for it. Not gonna let it disrupt our relationship. I shared my concerns - once - and move on. He's fine so far - as is everyone else I know who's had the jab(s). While I publish the graphs with the deaths reported to the CDC, the odds of your mom dying is like 1 in 80k. Until I actually see any long term effects in folks - I do not assume they will occur. To me it's like trusting the Imperial College projections of what "might' happen (3million covid deaths in the US). This vaccine might not be a big deal - then again it might be. I have no clue.
Edit scrambled to link it before I saw it was linked to already. ? good luck, fren!
Okay, never give up. Highly recommend, these are the victims and adverse injuries as well as videos of the injured speaking/or not speaking. here’s the link, www.instagram.com/CovidVaccineVictims This is telegram link https://t.me/covidvaccinevictims
mY 75 YO mom got JJ. felt like she was dying for 3 days. had to call ambulance. better now. alternatives are better.
JandJ was just pulled off the market temporarily
What could happen if you take an unapproved (Emergency Use Authorization, only)? There are always risks with vaccines, especially with new ones using newer tech.
What is the risk if you don't take it? 99+% Survival Rate, even without treatment. Cheap, legacy therapeutics (HCQ and Ivermectin) now available should you get into trouble. Vitamin D3, Zinc, and Vitamin C supplementation proven to be protective.
Which choice entails greater risk?
Redpillrevv has a lot of good info and screen caps of Facebook/Instagram posts of people posting the excitement for the jab followed by a death notice from the kids or spouse ... kinda sad
Wow, that hurts. Its sad that we need to save such a thing, but i would say its important.
This isn't even scratching the surface and they haven't even been out long.
Chris Voss method - have her solve the problem for you.
“Mom, what are the long term effects of synthetic mRNA?”
“What happens after a year?” “I really wonder.”
Also research Robert Kennedy, Jr., Dr Cahill of Ireland, and any of the "disinformation dozen".
First thing's first: These are all shots for a virus that is patented, meaning it is not a naturally ocurring virus -- it's man-made.
Next, these are not vaccines. Vaccines innoculate and prevent transmission, but none of these do that. Would she still wear a mask after the shot? Yes. Would she still get COVID? Yes. Is she more likely to get COVID after being injected? Yes. Do we know the long term effects? No; we hardly know the short term.
There are so many things to add, but ultimately I'll only add this: there have been mRNA / spike protein studies done for over 20 years on animals. Does she know why those vaccines never went to human trials? Because the animals that were "vaccinated" all died when re-exposed to the virus...! This vaccine is NOT approved by the FDA, only EUA authorized.
Final thought: not even Bill Gates is willing to get this "miracle" vaccine.
God bless you and good luck! ?
One more article to add to the list. In 2009, europe also tried to rush a vaccine to combat sars. Ended up the vaccine caused complications:
We will probably see history repeat itself here.
This is from America's Frontline Doctors website. The link is from the vaccine page. Scroll down to the video. Dr. Simone Gold. It's 55 minutes. Worth the watch. She gives stats, theraputics that have had huge success and talks about the vaccine. Very informative.