Do you think he can keep his sh*t together for an entire SOTU? LBTrumplican2 has a fantastic point! I can’t stand listening to biden, cameltoe, pelousy etc. but I might have to in hopes of a train wreck.
Double batch of popcorn night that is. It will be a train wreck of the century. He can’t focus for five minutes of softball press tongue licks let alone for an hour plus speech. Don’t forget to have plenty of booze for the shots for each blunder. Take the next day off to sleep in and relive the moments. It will be a classic.
White hats planning something for SOTU?
I like what I'm reading there
Yeah, me too.
Hopefully it ends in disaster for [them].
Kinda was hoping this would never happen...
Same sigh
How about calling it the STFU speech?
Maybe it will be his concession speech, after the results are in from Maricopa? He may realize their busted.
Nobody gives a shit what his vision is Nanc. He is a criminal occupying DC for the CCP.
"I do not think this word means what you think it means"
-- Inigo Montoya
Will NEVER consider this a S.O.T.U. To long since Jan. 20 and NO OTHERS have dragged their asses like this. There is more hidden then what is showing.
Nobody cares or wants to watch this clown show.
The YouTube downvotes will show that we don't care.
That’s a really sloppy signature. She must’ve been drunk to think he’d do anything but sniff his finger and talk about Covid.
Another hard pass for me. Watching Jobama makes me want to puke ......
Not going lie. Have a hard time listening to even a few moments of senile joe. PASS!
Biden's reply: uhhhhh look fat
Was she drunk when she signed that?! I'm kidding!!!!! I know she was drunk when she signed that.
Gawd, I'm looking for a bag, gonna barf.
Do you think he can keep his sh*t together for an entire SOTU? LBTrumplican2 has a fantastic point! I can’t stand listening to biden, cameltoe, pelousy etc. but I might have to in hopes of a train wreck.
Can I be the one to rip up Bidan's speech?? Oooo, oooo, pick me, pick me!
Her signature looks a little distressed. (Drunk.)
President will walk up to the podium. Complicated business folks as he is sworn in as the POTUS.
Double batch of popcorn night that is. It will be a train wreck of the century. He can’t focus for five minutes of softball press tongue licks let alone for an hour plus speech. Don’t forget to have plenty of booze for the shots for each blunder. Take the next day off to sleep in and relive the moments. It will be a classic.
Shots for each blunder? What are you trying to do? Give all the pedes alcohol poisoning?? LOL
<no wonder Trump is a teetotaller> ;-)
"Ha Ha you're all screwed muther fuckers, ahmmm where am I.....I think I made a poopie" - biden
Oh, really now? Could this be mirror speak, or an actual offer of help from [them]?
Something feels weird about Piglosi's "invitation."
Kamala will take office on the 21st and will the one giving this speech, exactly one week later.