As I was processing this latest round of riots from a white officer shooting a black man, I realized that there really is only ONE field where whites actually do kill blacks.
56% of all physicians are white (only 5% are blacks) according to AAMC. Johns Hopkins estimated 250,000 deaths/year are due to medical errors. It's the 3rd leading cause of death, after heart disease and cancer.
Indigent patients usually go to larger training hospitals with newbie resident physicians caring for them. (Most indigent patients are minorities).
So, the new doctors in training, predominately white, learning on minority patients with a large number of medical errors resulting in deaths... and yet no one is calling on them to be fired and criminally prosecuted. No one is rioting and looting. No media outlet is showing 24hr coverage. No former or current Presidents are providing statements. No one is stoking the flames of racism.
Why? Because it's not sexy enough. Docs don't wear body cams. No one believes these deaths are intentional because they aren't told to believe it's intentional. It's not provocative enough to promote this fake narrative to keep us divided.
So, BLM screaming about the police are disingenuous. (Not to mention they are totally cool with the killing blacks fetuses disproportionately to the # of white fetuses killed.)
Bottom line: EVERYTHING we are programmed to believe is just a narrative. Nothing more, nothing less. Just another day in the Matrix.
Damn I guess the same could be said for those white medical practitioners that preform all those abortions on black mothers. If you live in New York city and are an unborn baby to a black mother, you have a 50/50 chance of being aborted.
Eh. PP is the most prevalent murderer of blacks, hands down. And [they] claim it's not rayciss, so...
Why isn't BLM concerned about the fact, that RIGHT NOW, Africans in Africa are selling African slaves?
Why is BLM made up largely of white people? Why does BLM ask white people to stay in the back of their parade?
Why aren't the Feminists concerned about the atrocities against women in the middle east- child marriage, female genial mutilation, honor killings, throwing Sulfuric acid at women's faces?
Seems to me they're more interested in you worshiping them if they're fat, ugly and lesbians.
Is there actual data which shows that these newly minted doctors are involved in a higher rate of medical errors than more seasoned doctors or is this an assumption?
I have no idea, but I could imagine that a new doctor might be extra cautious when starting out and would also have training at front of mind whereas at approaching mid career may take on more than can be safely managed and end up making mistakes just due to business.
Without data many assumptions are possible.
Yep. There's a statistically significant increase in medical errors every July and August at teaching hospitals when the new residents arrive.
The more experience they get, the closer they are to graduation. Once they are fully trained, the vast majority of docs graduate and move on to private practice. Very few stay in the academic, training, university setting. And even if they stay in the academic setting as an attending physician, they have less patient contact than the new residents because they are usually splitting time with administrative duties as well.