Trump has all the Infinity Stones. Now it's a matter of time.
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What are the stones? N
Ironically when Thanos snapped his fingers we had a big depopulation event. Same thing we are on the verge of now with all these targeted plandemics, fake news stoking riots/race wars, and shady vaccines...
Wouldn't it be more like Iron Man snapping his fingers?
Thanos also sacrificed his own child to bring "balance" to the world. Apparently #thanosdidnothingwrong
Have you noticed how the MSM has since tried to portray Thanos in a good light?
He also has the key of David!
Blessings fren!
And the Stone of Scone
And the Holy Grail
The Lion of Judah
....and the Stone of Destiny
Plymouth Rock
Mt. Sinai
Rolling Stones
GEOTUS rocks! No lie.
Bloodlines matter.
To BOTH sides.
DNA means more than we know. The book of life.
And the Holy Hand Grenade
And the gourd, follow the gourd! (Different movie, same gang :-) )
Indeed lol...
I have no idea what this is about but I can tell you where to find the final horcrux.
Yes! Snap fingers and bring us back to 2019!
Let it happen...... please just let it happen......
(I'll record that snap and use it as preworkout.)
Hold my stones...keystone beer commercial
It would be better if his head was placed on Iron Man's body instead of on Thanos', since he's the villain.
True. But this was from Infinity War afaik.
Oh we're fucking close lads.