I've read the online discussions/"news" regarding death rate in the U.S. in 2020 vs 2019, so I decided to get the numbers myself, here they are:
Year Total Deaths in U.S.
2020 2,913,144
2019 2,854,838
2018 2,831,836
2017 2,813,503
2016 2,744,248
2015 2,712,630
There are slight differences in the totals in a given year, depending on who did the counting; CDC vs census?, but what stands out is the gradual increase in number of deaths each year, which should be expected as the population of the U.S. grows, but most significant is that the increase from 2019 to 2020 is only minimally above the year to year increase prior to covid. I've heard some people try to explain away this minimal increase by saying, "but fewer people were killed in traffic accidents since people weren't driving as much!". I just checked the traffic death numbers and they were higher in 2020 than in 2019! The more I look into the scamdemic, the madder I get! Sometimes I wish I was just an ignorant leftist drone :) (ignorance is bliss, right? :) )
You think your awakening was painful ? Wait 'till you see theirs. 94% in the hospital.
I have been trying to find the CDC numbers from 2020, but only found aggregate data products. Have they finally published 2020 data? do you have the link?
From a Bing search: "Ond 31 December 2020, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 2,913,144 total deaths in 2020, which was updated on 30 December. Therefore, the figure of 2,835,533 cited in the Facebook posts falls short by more than 77,000 deaths."
I didn't go to the further step of getting a 2020 total that was dated later, so account for some increase that probably happened, but that would seem to be a minimal addition.
Yea, that data is preliminary. It takes about 3 months for CDC mortality data to stabilize.
The CDC has a special challenge this year, as they have conflicting interests. They have a lot of money invested in their annual flu shot scam. The same applies to all their various programs. The manipulated COVID data really screws up the data on their other programs.
It will be interesting how they reconcile their preliminary data with the supposed 500K excess deaths. I'm anxious to see the official data to find out.
Hadn't looked back, but had done a similar exercise around sept. last year when I got into a discussion about how the trend (at the time) was showing a lower death rate overall. Which forced me into digging through the spreadsheets.
First look through and it appeared that the trend was about the same as previous years. It wasn't until are started adding some =sum() fields into the spreadsheet where things really stuck out. The reason (at the time) for the excess deaths was because they were double counting deaths in areas to create an excess death rate. Not sure if the data has been cleaned since.
btw - https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7014e1.htm. They put the count at 3,358,814
I found the 2020 number with "as of December 31 December". It was hard to find; it seems the search engines are trying to suppress the info :) I'll look at my browser history and hopefully can find it and will post it.
Finding any actual meaningful data from the past year has been notoriously difficult. I was trying to find case fatality rates for COVID based on age group, to prove a point to someone, but all the CDC would show me was relative comparisons in fatality between age groups (i.e: 18-30 year olds are 2x more likely to die than 0-17 --made up statistic btw, but that's the format they were presenting it in). Which means the statistics they HAVE in their databases are presented in such a way that it makes it very difficult for the average Joe to draw conclusions.
Someone commented to my twitter post that my 2020 number is wrong. I checked CDC and they do now have a higher number, but I wonder if they had to bump numbers up to agree with the narrative? The number I posted for 2020 was the total that was being reported through December 30, 2020, but I don't know if that was CDC, but I don't know what other source would have been used. I can't believe that there would be an increase of a few hundred thousand deaths upward; how could that many not be accounted for if the December 30 number was preliminary? Once again, we are now living in a country where you can't count on ANY government agency to be truthful.
I have tried to show these numbers to my wife (she's an RN) and it looks like her head is going to explode. She just can't believe that c0vid is an evil hoax
In the hospital she sees a concentration of sick people, and it starts to seem like everyone in the world is sick and dying. Hospital workers need to get out often, see more people who aren't sick, to keep a perspective on how bad things really are or aren't. All the lockdowns and throttles on aggregation allow the distorted view to grow. This is why they exist and open states are "doing better, " aside from any other considerations the freedom to see large groups of healthy people destroys the illusion.
Thats the thing, she doesn't work in the c0v areas, never seen them, doesn't know what conditions are like. Only hearsay. For the longest time, hosp populations non-c0v were very very low.
I suspect that all the chicken little hospitals collapsing stories are distorted for scare news purposes. For instance, ICUs are normally only a very small number of total hospital beds, so the are "overwhelmed" all the time. A mass shooting that sent ten people to ICU level care might well overwhelm several small hospitals that already were almost at capacity. And infectious diseases make everything worse as they need isolation. This is a data area that has been too anecdotal.
I just posted the numbers to the CDC twitter page :)
right now when I google "2020 usa total death" first thing that comes up at the top is
In 2020, approximately 3,358,814 deaths occurred in the United States (Table). The age-adjusted rate was 828.7 deaths per 100,000 population, an increase of 15.9% from 715.2 in 2019.6 days ago
cited from the cdc here
I keep seeing this 3.3M number thrown around too. It's bullshit, but I can't find the definitive 2020 numbers for the CDC. I'm also trying to find the shortages in flu, pneumonia, heart issues, cancer, etc that will make up for what they claimed was a COVID death. I've got friends now looking into this (they're waking up) and they can't seem to find 4th qtr numbers. Those should be out by now, but for some reason . . . obfuscation.
This is the kind of analytics I love to see.
Ha ha, looks like we cured the flu.
Interesting what you say about road fatalities being higher despite less driving. My memory is faulty but I thought our insurance company actually gave out partial refunds on our premiums because people weren't driving as much. For an an insurance company to do that there would have to be A LOT less driving. Tells me that those behind the wheel were really wigged out.
The next numbers to look out for will be the numbers vaccinated, and what that does to the death figures. Say if 1/3 of the population gets vaccinated, that's 110,000,000 people. If these vaccines are as bad as we think they are and just 1% of them succumb to them, that's 1,100,000 people. Huge.
It might take until the end of this year before potential increases in deaths due to vaccinations show up. I'm just so mad that we can rely on ANYONE (other than private citizens) telling the truth these days!
It was because of less people driving that we had more fatalities.
Muthafuckas were quickly finding out that the they were running out of either road or talent with their speeding
For the "traffic deaths" excuse: ~500,000 alleged (fake) covid deaths. ~60,000 death increase for year 2020. So the excuse is based on alleging that ~440,000 lives were saved due to "less traffic deaths,,," (And supposedly killed by muh covid plague instead).
440,000 traffic deaths/50 states= would average 8,800 "traffic deaths" [allegedly saved] per state for the year 2020.
So an average of 8,800 traffic deaths per state, for a 365 day calendar year= 24.1 traffic deaths per day, per state for every day of the year.
We don't have anywhere near that many being killed in traffic accidents on a daily basis. The "less traffic deaths" excuse is total bullshit, and easily shut down with common sense (not kammen kore) math.
Great info. Thank you.
ignorance is slavery. thank you for the numbers fren!
I had the numbers in table form, but when posted, it strung it back as continuous text; I need to learn how to do hard carriage returns :)