"We aren't forcing you to put this experimental pollution reducing oil in your car, that would be a liability issue. But you aren't allowed on public roads without it, don't be a Caren. You need to use it to protect the older cars on the road, one old car being lost is inexcusable and I think anyone who doesn't have this oil in their car should be liable for any old car breaking down. No, if it destroys your car you cannot sue us. No, we cannot guaranted that it will stop or reduce pollution. It's only a one time oil change, though, no need for conspiracy theories. Now it requires a second oil change too. Now a third one, and possibly a top off once a month. What's the big deal? You knew it was going to be like this. I NEVER SAID IT WOULD BE A ONE TIME OIL CHANGE OR THAT IT WOULD REDUCE POLLUTION! THAT'S A CONSPIRACY THEORY! Obviously there can be no problems because this oil doesn't cause any problems guaranteed. Oh, it blocked up and killed your engine? Well you volunteered to use this oil, I didn't force it on you or coerce you at all. Besides, I bet there was something else like your car was too old or something and already about to break down."
This reminds me of the old days when synthetic oil was new. If you didn't completely flush the old, regular oil from your engine before putting in synthetic, it would turn the oil to black sludge and seize the engine up. Then it would take a couple days of manually turning the crank and cleanig out the goo that was pushed to the top of the cylinders, over and over again, until you got it all cleaned up. There were countless people who just wrote off the car as a loss and would go get a new one.
Exactly... I told my mask wearing friend. If I put a cloth covering my cars intake and exhaust and came to wondering why it didn't run right you'd slap me.
Gave him pause.... a few weeks later we were maskless together at the hardware store. :)
You'll still need to mask the exhaust regardless if you accept the experimental oil or not. We aren't sure what damage that might cause but it's better to be safe than sorry and required if you want to drive on a state highway.
It should read. "It's mandated that you use new experimental oil, but it may void your warranty if you do."
"We aren't forcing you to put this experimental pollution reducing oil in your car, that would be a liability issue. But you aren't allowed on public roads without it, don't be a Caren. You need to use it to protect the older cars on the road, one old car being lost is inexcusable and I think anyone who doesn't have this oil in their car should be liable for any old car breaking down. No, if it destroys your car you cannot sue us. No, we cannot guaranted that it will stop or reduce pollution. It's only a one time oil change, though, no need for conspiracy theories. Now it requires a second oil change too. Now a third one, and possibly a top off once a month. What's the big deal? You knew it was going to be like this. I NEVER SAID IT WOULD BE A ONE TIME OIL CHANGE OR THAT IT WOULD REDUCE POLLUTION! THAT'S A CONSPIRACY THEORY! Obviously there can be no problems because this oil doesn't cause any problems guaranteed. Oh, it blocked up and killed your engine? Well you volunteered to use this oil, I didn't force it on you or coerce you at all. Besides, I bet there was something else like your car was too old or something and already about to break down."
Thanks for updating the post. Your explanation makes it much clearer on what to expect from Pifzer oil.
This reminds me of the old days when synthetic oil was new. If you didn't completely flush the old, regular oil from your engine before putting in synthetic, it would turn the oil to black sludge and seize the engine up. Then it would take a couple days of manually turning the crank and cleanig out the goo that was pushed to the top of the cylinders, over and over again, until you got it all cleaned up. There were countless people who just wrote off the car as a loss and would go get a new one.
This needs a sticky
New experimental oil that won't work in just one visit, you'll have to put in in 3 separate visits. It's just science.
And then once you actually have the oil in there, you'll have to change it every 500 miles.
Also, even though you have this new fancy oil, you still can't drive your car.
Exactly... I told my mask wearing friend. If I put a cloth covering my cars intake and exhaust and came to wondering why it didn't run right you'd slap me.
Gave him pause.... a few weeks later we were maskless together at the hardware store. :)
...and your car is required to wear a bra.
You'll still need to mask the exhaust regardless if you accept the experimental oil or not. We aren't sure what damage that might cause but it's better to be safe than sorry and required if you want to drive on a state highway.
We demand and shame you into using this new oil ...that isn't really oil
This is perfect, does this get past the Facebook and Twitter censors?
Hadn’t tried it don’t have an account