I don't think that the elites, the same ones who worship their own egos as gods, probably more than the devil they sacrifice children to, would ever commit suicide. It takes some severe devaluing of the self in order to override the survival instinct and kill yourself, something they never, ever gone through.
Given that, could it be that the suicide Q talked about wasn't literal, but more like political and professional, due to the declass, or maybe one colossal FF that backfires in an equally colossal manner ?
its crazy people think that stuff doesnt mean anything lol. Its like, umm thats smoking gun information that Biden isnt the real president.
Astute summation. ?
Just like the right wants to be left alone to live in peace, the left cannot live and leave others alone.
Just like the right will kill others to defend others, the left will kill themselves to defend their ego.
The other thing is that to join these secret societies or "The Club" you have to go through initiations. Like the mafia you're not allowed in unless you fully incriminate yourself. Those societies keep al that incriminating data somewhere. You have to do something so reprehensible that they can destroy you in a heartbeat if you ever betray them.
Now imagine if the good guys got a hold of all the incriminating data. What could they do? The members fear the blackmail. The crimes they did to get into the Club were so horrific that if it came out they'd be better off dead.
These people live double lives. Their illusions are everything to them. If their masks are destroyed they are essentially dead. Someone who could do the horrific things these "club" members have done is not a normal-thinking person. Thinking of them by our terms is a big mistake.
Maybe not at the cabal level, but probably at the vain celebrity level, which is all most people will care about anyways.
I think suicide weekend is linked to the MOASS with GME
Black Thursday times a million ?
Maybe not at the cabal level, but probably at the vain celebrity level, which is all most people will care about anyways.
Fren this is premium stuff right here
Original OP You underestimate fear of the unknown as a motivation to kill oneself.
It is true that these elites think too highly of themselves, see themselves as gods and indestructible or un-kill-able, but there are easy ways people like them can "end it all" and in non-painful ways.
Drug overdosing would be the easiest and most pleasurable for them, and we all know that the only thing they care about is pleasure (well, and money and power, etc, but it all boils down to how good they feel from doing all of that). Hanging themselves or slitting their wrists are all disgusting in their minds because of the pain associated with it. They would want to avoid any pain at all costs. Overdosing on the smoothest drugs would be their 1st choice. Unluckily for them, though, that smooth death will only take them on to their eternal suffering. Serves them right.
I think it's America the Company committing its suicide. Knowingly or possibly not-knowingly.