The vaccines were released with emergency use authorization, nobody can mandate you take them, it is voluntary. If you don't want to take it don't. If people are stupid enough to take a experimental vaccine that killed all the lab specimens with past experimental trials, let them. There have been plenty of warnings against the possibilities of side effects, if you take it, you assume the risk.
If Trump let them roll out these vaccines on a typical timeline for the FDA you could bet it would be mandated in years to come and our economy would be destroyed in the interim.
Trump does things for a reason, he tells you as he is doing it. He made a very big deal about Operation Warp speed and it should have been a clue to all of us that it was the best approach.
I work in the health field. We are not “forced” to get the flu shot, we have always had a choice. You can either take the flu shot or put a mask on for the entire flu season.
To me the medical field seems like a real shit profession to be in. Maybe I’m wrong but that is what it seems like
That's what happens when bureaucrats take over; the science of the respective field goes out the window.
Our federal government should of never allowed the bureaucrats, people like Bill Gates, big pharma, big health insurance, or especially big tech be the arbiters of science in America. They just need to back off and allow healthcare professionals to do what they do best. Unfortunately, they will never voluntarily back down until they are stopped by force.
We? Sorry, but most of us had nothing to do with it.
Most people are voluntarily financing their enemy (FB, Twitter, Amason, Microsoft ++++).
Maybe stop with that first, then we can talk.
But we all know it's not going to stop any time soon..
Part of the reason medical people get paid well. Put up with a lot of shit.
I know two nurses. They weren't forced but took it anyway. Really stupid
That's true. And then having the mask on, especially prior to Covid, would make patients nervous and then they'd make up reasons tp fire you.
My cousin is a PA and said the same thing. He wasn’t forced to take it but he chose too.