I will open my mind to flat earth when the CIA & Jesuits stop psy-oping people with it.. It is a classic discredit by association ploy to hurt the credibility of any group it is used on to it, even tangentially.
I've debated these guys on and off constantly. They always deny the existence of gravity as a core component of the theory. Every single one i have ever encountered denies it is even a thing. They also cannot explain the following with flat earth however they try.
Day/night cycles year on year
the existence of seasons
the angle of the sun experiment done by the greeks and repeated several times since with even greater accuracy
Ballistics charts
seeing the sodding curvature of the eaeth from a glider (which i have done)
the existence of satellites
the existence of the space station
the moon and its cycles
the movement of planets
how planets in telescopes are round
water pressure increasing when you dive deeper and deeper.
the need for decompression chambers for all those kids in DUMBs
weather patterns
gallileo's experiments off the leaning tower of piza
varying heat levels between equator and poles
planetary precession (thx judicatorr, forgot that one)
mercury retrogrades
all of this is explained very easily by an oblate spherical earth, the existence of gravity, and gravitational orbits. No flat earther has ever given me a response that explains any of them without immediately showing ignorance and a lack of critical thinking, or without presenting a theory that is immediately debunked by one of the others in the list. They just say "its all just lights" or "its all to do with densities and pressures" (which btw relies on gravity being a thing)
Most flat earthers i debated over the years also claim global warming is real because the earth is flat, so climate change gate isn't a thing to them. Do you also believe in global warming?
Flat earth (as far as i am concerned) is a CIA psyop, and it being promoted here on GAW to me looks like an attack to discredit this forum. Change my mind with logic and reason, not demands to keep my mind open to concepts that deny observable reality in ways that are not news controlled or even news controllable.. You can do the same experiments done by the ancient greeks, or were they freemasons as well?
If you can't do this, and still refuse to accept its a crap theory, I'll be happy to push that deport button. Cia Shill or "non q supporter", your choice.
Operation Paperclip: Werner Von Braun. Look at his tombstone. Psalms 19:1 (King James). Surely you know who he was.
Nasa has a budget of 71 mil per day. I don't have the time to do your research for you and explain it all.
But, you yourself could look into every one of your bullet points and find some explanations. Satalloons, never a single non CGI picture of Earth, bubbles in space, fake moon landing, curvature model not working, ellipse around the sun not being able to measure the speed change, etc.
The UN flag is a close representation of what "flat earthers" believe. Not "flat earth society"...that is a Psyop.
Better yet, just go and grab a P900 or P1000 yourself and do a curvature test. I did. I tried to prove the ball theory. I spent a year. It proved almost everything I have learned was a lie.
Do I know what it is? Nope. I know it's not what the government/nasa/school taught me.
I'm a globe sceptic. Not a flat earther. I just know what I've been taught was a lie. To say you know it's flat is wrong. That could only be a theory. For all I know its much larger than I know or there is land beyond what some think are boundaries.
Your allowed to think what you want on the bible, sure. If you think that proves the earth is flat, however, it doesnt explain any of my list of points to address.
Secret space programs could just as easily be a "cia psyop" - everything on the Q map could be. Btw space can still theoretically exist under a flat earth model. You have not personally seen half the things on your list, and there are potentially a million explanations for the other half that don't involve a 'ball earth spinning a million mph around a sun'
Your raw anger is clearly affecting your ability to be open minded.
It is a fact that modern astronomy is heavily influenced by satanic freemasons. I have not seen you address this simple topic yet. Please acknowledge the possibly pervasive influence of SATAN in the field of astronomy... until you do that, there is no sense in debating the mostly theoretical space science that was pumped out by godless cabal shills like Stephen hawking, who hung out with epstein and paid to watch people get murdered online.
The science behind flat-earth is weak, however, most "experts" who say it is round, worship SATAN... please discuss
If FET was truth, it would get yeeted off youtube like adrenochrome and the pedo cabal vids. But it persists on the cabal controlled social media without a problem. It even seems to have survived the "conspiracy culls" on those platforms.
Why let that one survive, but not the others? It fitss a pattern that's well established - get too close to an inconvenient truth and the big tech nukes it from orbit, but they let cia agitprop go unmolested (unlike kids).
Q says to use logic. "scientists are all satanists/freemasons, ergo round earth is false" is literally ad hominem. Not logic.
I didnt say all scientists, but literally every single one who was involved in "space science" is seen in historical paintings flashing masonic symbols. Literally. Every. Single. One.
Like I said before, educate us on freemasonry or fuck off and let us ask our questions.
I'm not angry mate im ? at this. So many people are convinced by this pseudo science because of the freemasonry point but cant align the dates.
Lets take gallieo. Died at least 50 yrs before freemasonry was founded, and imprisoned by the catholic church in the height of its power over man. Please reconcile this.
Watch this and stop embarrassing yourselves. Insufferable atheist British guy but the info and presentation is spot on. Watch it 5 times until it sinks in.
Your first argument against my first three doesnt explain seasons or differences in heat. It fails outright on that and equatorial vs non equatorial heat differences in different locations. It also fails on eclipse patterns (theyd happrn daily if you are right). A clock implies a fixed movement, not a shifting movement which is what literally happens. There is also such a thing as a geosychronous orbit, which you just ignore because it doesnt suit your beliefs.
2.denial of the existence of the planets when you can bloody see them in a telescope isnt proof, its just denial of something that you cannot explain.
My dad is a pilot. Also there was an actual pilot who did a video shared here offering to take you to the antarctic and how you can be shown yo be wrong.
Your argument against ballistics assumes inertia and relative motion isnt a thing. Next time you are driving, try breaking hard at speed and tell me inertia or relative motion is fake. Better yet, add some spice to it and do so without a seat belt.
To deny precession exists is to deny both observations you can make of the night sky yourself and a few hundred years of people trying to explain it from a geocentric perspective. They made loads of maps of this that didnt work.
Decompression chambers are needed because of the bends, which is caused by gas bubbles forming in the blood. Not because oxygen levels are low. You get the bends as well from diving with oxygen and surfacing too fast.
Id respond to the rest but i honestly have better things to do. Everything you said ignores so many fundamental principles that have been tried and tested and can be experienced without leaving this planet it beggars belief.
I did counter them. You just dont like the refutation because it doesnt conform to your beliefs, and that is the generous interpretation (the alternative is you didnt understand them).
Using pseudoscience with no logical consistency, cherrypicking, and denying what anyone can literally observe (and have done for millennia) isnt truth. Its you clinging to a false tale because you were lied to about something else (like the idea that the election was legit, or kids are safe at disneyworld) and thinking that everything must be a lie.
Im sorry if that hurts you, but its best you abandon theories that are logically unsound and mathematically proven to be false (and proven so over 1700 years before freemasons were a thing). I really dont intend to be an arse about this but its so laughable to me because ive done the experiments and the work that show the things you deny are real.
Listen, ill happily accept an n-dimensional reality, hollow earth, extra-dimensionial beings, atlantis being real, the indian nuke theory, the multiverse, or even the hologram theory of the universe as all plausible, or even probable. But FET? Done the reading and it aint consistent, done the maths and it doesnt work.
At this point its best to agree to disagree and leave FET for conspiracy.win mate.
Edit: you claiming you know pilots who disagree with both my experiences of flying and my fathers doesnt wash either. There are plenty of pilots who agree, and one of them even offered to fly any flat earthers to Antarctica to see it isnt a wall of ice at the edge. Can you say the same?
I think i might be over another target here....
I will open my mind to flat earth when the CIA & Jesuits stop psy-oping people with it.. It is a classic discredit by association ploy to hurt the credibility of any group it is used on to it, even tangentially.
I've debated these guys on and off constantly. They always deny the existence of gravity as a core component of the theory. Every single one i have ever encountered denies it is even a thing. They also cannot explain the following with flat earth however they try.
all of this is explained very easily by an oblate spherical earth, the existence of gravity, and gravitational orbits. No flat earther has ever given me a response that explains any of them without immediately showing ignorance and a lack of critical thinking, or without presenting a theory that is immediately debunked by one of the others in the list. They just say "its all just lights" or "its all to do with densities and pressures" (which btw relies on gravity being a thing)
Most flat earthers i debated over the years also claim global warming is real because the earth is flat, so climate change gate isn't a thing to them. Do you also believe in global warming?
Flat earth (as far as i am concerned) is a CIA psyop, and it being promoted here on GAW to me looks like an attack to discredit this forum. Change my mind with logic and reason, not demands to keep my mind open to concepts that deny observable reality in ways that are not news controlled or even news controllable.. You can do the same experiments done by the ancient greeks, or were they freemasons as well?
If you can't do this, and still refuse to accept its a crap theory, I'll be happy to push that deport button. Cia Shill or "non q supporter", your choice.
Firmament is space to me, not sky.
Operation Paperclip: Werner Von Braun. Look at his tombstone. Psalms 19:1 (King James). Surely you know who he was.
Nasa has a budget of 71 mil per day. I don't have the time to do your research for you and explain it all.
But, you yourself could look into every one of your bullet points and find some explanations. Satalloons, never a single non CGI picture of Earth, bubbles in space, fake moon landing, curvature model not working, ellipse around the sun not being able to measure the speed change, etc.
The UN flag is a close representation of what "flat earthers" believe. Not "flat earth society"...that is a Psyop.
Better yet, just go and grab a P900 or P1000 yourself and do a curvature test. I did. I tried to prove the ball theory. I spent a year. It proved almost everything I have learned was a lie.
Do I know what it is? Nope. I know it's not what the government/nasa/school taught me.
I'm a globe sceptic. Not a flat earther. I just know what I've been taught was a lie. To say you know it's flat is wrong. That could only be a theory. For all I know its much larger than I know or there is land beyond what some think are boundaries.
What you mean this test? https://flatearth.ws/t/nikon-p1000
Might want to take a refresher course in optics. Both political and visual.
Ive been in a glider, ive been at sea. My dad is a sodding pilot (ret.) Flat earth simply doesnt work
Are people here allowed to disagree with your interpretation of the word “firmament” in The Bible?
I am looking for clarification on what the exact rules are here. Thanks!
Your allowed to think what you want on the bible, sure. If you think that proves the earth is flat, however, it doesnt explain any of my list of points to address.
So if someone believes in the Creation story from Genesis, that is a bannable offense?
You know, the firmament, separating the waters from the waters.
Is that not allowed here?
Just curious.
Again, you can believe what you want on the bible. God created the universe to me, not just our little ball in it.
If you start saying the firmament proves flat earth, however , ill be slamming that deport button
Secret space programs could just as easily be a "cia psyop" - everything on the Q map could be. Btw space can still theoretically exist under a flat earth model. You have not personally seen half the things on your list, and there are potentially a million explanations for the other half that don't involve a 'ball earth spinning a million mph around a sun'
Your raw anger is clearly affecting your ability to be open minded.
It is a fact that modern astronomy is heavily influenced by satanic freemasons. I have not seen you address this simple topic yet. Please acknowledge the possibly pervasive influence of SATAN in the field of astronomy... until you do that, there is no sense in debating the mostly theoretical space science that was pumped out by godless cabal shills like Stephen hawking, who hung out with epstein and paid to watch people get murdered online.
The science behind flat-earth is weak, however, most "experts" who say it is round, worship SATAN... please discuss
If FET was truth, it would get yeeted off youtube like adrenochrome and the pedo cabal vids. But it persists on the cabal controlled social media without a problem. It even seems to have survived the "conspiracy culls" on those platforms.
Why let that one survive, but not the others? It fitss a pattern that's well established - get too close to an inconvenient truth and the big tech nukes it from orbit, but they let cia agitprop go unmolested (unlike kids).
Q says to use logic. "scientists are all satanists/freemasons, ergo round earth is false" is literally ad hominem. Not logic.
I didnt say all scientists, but literally every single one who was involved in "space science" is seen in historical paintings flashing masonic symbols. Literally. Every. Single. One.
Like I said before, educate us on freemasonry or fuck off and let us ask our questions.
I'm not angry mate im ? at this. So many people are convinced by this pseudo science because of the freemasonry point but cant align the dates.
Lets take gallieo. Died at least 50 yrs before freemasonry was founded, and imprisoned by the catholic church in the height of its power over man. Please reconcile this.
There's so much wrong here it's hard to know where to even begin.
Watch this and stop embarrassing yourselves. Insufferable atheist British guy but the info and presentation is spot on. Watch it 5 times until it sinks in.
Also gallieo and copernicus died well before freemasonry even existed as a group so.... Yeah....
So much of your understanding here is wrong.
2.denial of the existence of the planets when you can bloody see them in a telescope isnt proof, its just denial of something that you cannot explain.
My dad is a pilot. Also there was an actual pilot who did a video shared here offering to take you to the antarctic and how you can be shown yo be wrong.
Your argument against ballistics assumes inertia and relative motion isnt a thing. Next time you are driving, try breaking hard at speed and tell me inertia or relative motion is fake. Better yet, add some spice to it and do so without a seat belt.
To deny precession exists is to deny both observations you can make of the night sky yourself and a few hundred years of people trying to explain it from a geocentric perspective. They made loads of maps of this that didnt work.
Decompression chambers are needed because of the bends, which is caused by gas bubbles forming in the blood. Not because oxygen levels are low. You get the bends as well from diving with oxygen and surfacing too fast.
Id respond to the rest but i honestly have better things to do. Everything you said ignores so many fundamental principles that have been tried and tested and can be experienced without leaving this planet it beggars belief.
I did counter them. You just dont like the refutation because it doesnt conform to your beliefs, and that is the generous interpretation (the alternative is you didnt understand them).
Using pseudoscience with no logical consistency, cherrypicking, and denying what anyone can literally observe (and have done for millennia) isnt truth. Its you clinging to a false tale because you were lied to about something else (like the idea that the election was legit, or kids are safe at disneyworld) and thinking that everything must be a lie.
Im sorry if that hurts you, but its best you abandon theories that are logically unsound and mathematically proven to be false (and proven so over 1700 years before freemasons were a thing). I really dont intend to be an arse about this but its so laughable to me because ive done the experiments and the work that show the things you deny are real.
Listen, ill happily accept an n-dimensional reality, hollow earth, extra-dimensionial beings, atlantis being real, the indian nuke theory, the multiverse, or even the hologram theory of the universe as all plausible, or even probable. But FET? Done the reading and it aint consistent, done the maths and it doesnt work.
At this point its best to agree to disagree and leave FET for conspiracy.win mate.
Edit: you claiming you know pilots who disagree with both my experiences of flying and my fathers doesnt wash either. There are plenty of pilots who agree, and one of them even offered to fly any flat earthers to Antarctica to see it isnt a wall of ice at the edge. Can you say the same?