Jill Stein would disagree with you considering she fought PA to recount judicial elections in 2016 after several candidates had undercounts on the machines.
The Judge assigned to Ghislaine Maxwell’s case would also disagree with you considering she hasn’t recused yet was Assistant WH Counsel under Obama. Comey’s daughter hasn’t recused herself as AUSDA on that case either.
Yep pretty obvious, however the Supreme Court case should uphold separation of power and keep the judicial system out of where they don't belong. Dirty fucking judges.
This is an area where the courts have no jurisdiction so that judge can write orders until his fingers bleed but the state senate can just simply ignore him.
Yeah. I'd keep going until they physically show up and start pulling auditors out. The fuck is a bunch of faggy dress wearing sissy judges going to do? Send the bailiff after them?
The audit is literally just for show and I don't mean it in a sooner sense. What I mean is we already know what we need too. At this point the ball is in the dem court as they continue to make complete assholes of themselves on a massive scale. Were showing the corruption, we already have the numbers. We're gathering more fish in the big Ole RICO net.
How to circumvent this type of bullshit:
Use a Military court.
I have a feeling the 1 million dollar bond wasn’t legit. It was the judge’s way of messaging what he wanted in order to step down.
Naming his price.
Jill Stein would disagree with you considering she fought PA to recount judicial elections in 2016 after several candidates had undercounts on the machines.
The Judge assigned to Ghislaine Maxwell’s case would also disagree with you considering she hasn’t recused yet was Assistant WH Counsel under Obama. Comey’s daughter hasn’t recused herself as AUSDA on that case either.
Yep pretty obvious, however the Supreme Court case should uphold separation of power and keep the judicial system out of where they don't belong. Dirty fucking judges.
We saw how well they did their job with the steal. I wouldn't hold out hope for the SCOTUS if I were you.
This is an area where the courts have no jurisdiction so that judge can write orders until his fingers bleed but the state senate can just simply ignore him.
Yeah. I'd keep going until they physically show up and start pulling auditors out. The fuck is a bunch of faggy dress wearing sissy judges going to do? Send the bailiff after them?
The audit is literally just for show and I don't mean it in a sooner sense. What I mean is we already know what we need too. At this point the ball is in the dem court as they continue to make complete assholes of themselves on a massive scale. Were showing the corruption, we already have the numbers. We're gathering more fish in the big Ole RICO net.
RICO RICO RICO is what we are after
So is this why they hired 79+ lawyers? Hoping no matter what judge they get they’ll have to recuse?