If you try to track money supply and velocity, it looks like the fed has discontinued tracking these data points. Website I use is fred.stlouisfed.org
Shouldn’t this be illegal to hide from constituents how much money they are printing and what the velocity of the money is?
And is there a .win community that is more specific to this info so I don’t have to get on Reddit wallstbets? I would love to shine a light on this though
I think the federal reserve will soon only be remembered in history books.
Lets hope it stays in the history books this time.
The existence of the federal reserve is illegal. It goes against the constitution directly, and was begun with highly suspicious activities including likely mass murder, as well as coercion of all the highest people in the US government. It was a conspiracy at least the size and scope of the 2020 election fraud.
Every single thing they do is illegal by extension. Any question of "illegality" in the minutia is automatically answered with "yes". Figuring out HOW its illegal is more of a fun exercise than an attempt to answer the question.
During the lockdown, the Fed was folded into the U.S. Treasury- the stimulus was paid for from the black ops fund-but where the Fed goes from here is known only to those who did the folding... Next up?? precious metal backed dollars?? the slate is being cleaned before it is removed...
During the 2009 stimulus, the fed refused to say how much they printed.
This is a fine place to post about the fed.
Q said follow the money. Chase that shit back to it's origin.
This is VERY interesting. I have been a student of VOM and M1-3 supply stats for decades. The VOM stat is a hidden 'tell' on the future state of an economy. The fact they quit posting could mean quite a few things, but some serious possibilities are ... not in order of importance or significance: 1. They just have no idea how much M1-3 is in the float anymore; 2. They know and don't want anyone to know the actual for fear of triggering a market panic; 3. They are moving to a new currency (digital), and we just don't know it yet; 4. They are late to report; 5. Crypto has seriously fucked up their ability to 'balance' their analysis ... they can't get the velocity; supply; and 'burn-rates' to account within their margin of error. They monitor all kinds of fiat denominated asset classes. When the private sector reports monetary movement (bank account debits and credits) they likely report deposits or expenditures that were executed with crytpo (Bitcoin mostly) as USD, when it really wasn't. That makes 'ledger balancing' impossible ... assets are moving around but actual USD is not ... 'Ghost Economics'.
I personally think its BOTH 4 and 5. Can't balance, won't report.
When did the non-federal and illegal Federal Reserve start playing by rules?