A refrigeration tech needed to do some work on a walk-in cooler for a grocery store that has a pharmacy and gives the vaccines. The pharmacist was retrieving items out of it to get them out of the way so he could work in there. He saw an unmarked ziplock bag with two unmarked, unlabeled vials. He picked it up and asked if it was anything important and the pharmacist immediately responded- Oh yes! These are the vaccines. Absolutely no markings or label of any kind on these vials! I personally find this to be very shocking and noteworthy.
Comments (13)
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Yes those are definitely not my heroine. They are certainly the vaccines...
Yeah I don’t think the pharmacist was telling the truth. I’m pretty sure everything has to be clearly marked if it’s going into a patient’s body. The search I did of covid vacs are all clearly marked. They all have labels.
Pharmacists might have a little side habit going on there. Skimming whatever he wants off the top of people's prescriptions and collecting it for his own use. No idea if that'd actually work but felt like fishing a bit.
Vaccines in unmarked vials, in baggies, just laying around? What kind of bullshit is that?
Because they were unmarked and in a baggy my bet would be that is the vax after its been mixed in a third unlabeled container. Supposedly the process is complicated. Of course she really should have labeled the baggy with a sharpy at the very least. IMHO this speaks more to the pharmacists being sloppy.
Now if he saw like a whole case of unlabeled vials that would be concerning.
I’m pretty sure it would be required by law to be labeled properly no matter what, with the lot number and manufacturer at the very least.
Yeah, the manufacturer's vial would. What I'm saying it if they used an empty sterile vial to mix 2-3 components that wouldn't necessarily have a label on it. They SHOULD hand write some sort of label but if they use it up as fast as they make it then that unlabeled vial will be emptied out and thrown away the same day they make it. Which is why I'm saying it might just be sloppy/lazy on the part of the people in the pharmacy, not a sketchy way for the company to deliver the vax.
There might have been a whole case of labeled vials(of components to mix together) on the shelf below it, but what this guy saw was the 4 vials they mixed up that morning because they have 16 appointments. 4 per vial. (made up numbers as an example)
I thought the mRNA shots have to be stored at below freezing temps. SO I doubt those were them.
Once taken out of deep freeze I believe they can be refrigerated for two to three weeks.
Suspicious, at best.
...could simply be a 'walgreens special'... ? (I'm optimistic)