Sadly, I now go into conspiracy mode at the slightest provocation. With that in mind ...
We know about the cameras not showing the White House recently. We also know about the screens stopping us seeing what is entering the White House and now we know that our main White House watcher has been decommissioned for a shoirt time.
All that points to stuff being done at the White House that no-one is supposed to know about. Have they planted the bombs, or got the scenery set for the "DEW attack" by the aliens or something else? Inquiring minds need to know.
Makes me wonder if they are gonna have the white house fake-bombed so the candidates can fake-die to the point a new election happens and yet they save face?
Sadly, I now go into conspiracy mode at the slightest provocation. With that in mind ...
We know about the cameras not showing the White House recently. We also know about the screens stopping us seeing what is entering the White House and now we know that our main White House watcher has been decommissioned for a shoirt time.
All that points to stuff being done at the White House that no-one is supposed to know about. Have they planted the bombs, or got the scenery set for the "DEW attack" by the aliens or something else? Inquiring minds need to know.
Didn't Lin Wood post about touring an empty WhiteHouse also?
He was trolling.
Yes, but I don't think that was really him and the pictures were from when he saw President Trump in the White House.
Makes me wonder if they are gonna have the white house fake-bombed so the candidates can fake-die to the point a new election happens and yet they save face?
The DS will do what they do, but that won't be a white hat plan. Allowing them to tuck tail and sneak away from this mess is not an option.