I think the Mockingbird Media is desperately testing to see if there side is in charge. They're like "it's us, right? We've got sleepers here, right? It can't actually just be the white hats, can it? Someone? Blink 666 if you're a deepstate. We're really getting concerned here."
Fox knows that If the Arizona audit overturns the results, they're done. Like, oh shit I fell asleep and overcooked the roast in the oven for two extra hours done!
I think the Mockingbird Media is desperately testing to see if there side is in charge. They're like "it's us, right? We've got sleepers here, right? It can't actually just be the white hats, can it? Someone? Blink 666 if you're a deepstate. We're really getting concerned here."
Dude, comment of the thread.
Fox knows that If the Arizona audit overturns the results, they're done. Like, oh shit I fell asleep and overcooked the roast in the oven for two extra hours done!
Fox fucked themselves so hard when they called Virginia for POTATUS with 2% in.
Yup I was like wtf! I also seem to remember that there were still people waiting in line to vote in AZ when Fox called it for Hiden.
Yep. Final blow for anyone still watching such filth.
They exposed their fake outrage when they silenced Newt for mentioning George Soros.