Who cares, the guy can never have a fair trial and no Judge is gonna have the balls to grant him a mistrial just as no jury will ever have the courage to do what's right. It's over for Chauvin.
Just gotta hope it was all a white hat theatre show and he is a crisis actor all along...
Chauvin's biggest claim for a new trial is that juror who is a vocal, militant BLM member, a fact which was deliberately hidden from the attorneys.
That alone is cause for a mistrial.
So are Mad Max and Xiden... makes me think they're trying to a false flag into another false flag
I expected this. The DS wanted guilty then have him acquitted for mass chaos.
They should not go by their set trial dates since they might time it with other events. At least shake them up a bit.
Who cares, the guy can never have a fair trial and no Judge is gonna have the balls to grant him a mistrial just as no jury will ever have the courage to do what's right. It's over for Chauvin.
Just gotta hope it was all a white hat theatre show and he is a crisis actor all along...
One of the jurors is a fucking BLM sympathizer.