We say holocough vax is not FDA approved, I just heard Normies say vax is FDA approved, and laugh at us about it not being FDA approved ... discuss. Sauce please.
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Emergency use authorization is NOT FDA approved, meaning they are experimental and investigational, and by law cannot be forced.
I got an interesting question. Why can they be forced if they ARE FDA approved? Is that really a thing? I'm not condescending you, friend. I genuinely wanna understand.
I don't think they could be forced by the Government, but an Employer could force it on you as a condition of employment if it can be proven it is necessary for the job - Medical type positions mostly. Have you ever had an employer ask for your MMR, HEP-C, Polio, etc. vaccination records?
What he said
Not as of yet. Social services in my area. Only recommendation.
There is NO Covid-19 vaccine which is approved by the FDA.
Anyone who laughs at you, due to mistakenly thinking any of them are FDA approved, is an idiot.
Never argue with an idiot. It's like getting into a snowball fight with a nun. There is no way you can win.
"FDA chief went in front of Congress and stated "do not get vaccine"
This was on CSPAN"
Do you have a link to this? I don't see it in the link you provided
It does not have full FDA approval because it ha not gone through the required testing so it is only authorized for Emergency Use - EUA - it is literally an experimental drug at this point. They are full of shit if they won't understand the difference. They are not even technically a vaccine, they are gene therapy that is being sold to the public as a vaccine to gain acceptance. Taking the covid vax is like taking Chemo-therapy for a cancer you do not have.
Here is the wikepedia of Dr Hahn in the video I left in the last post that shows he is in fact FDA authority. You can look it up yourself. FDA WILL NOT APPROVE COVID VACCINES.
Stephen Hahn Former Commissioner of Food and Drugs Stephen Michael Hahn is an American physician who served as the Commissioner of Food and Drugs from 2019 to 2021. Before becoming Commissioner, he was a radiation oncologist serving as Chief Medical Executive of the MD Anderson Cancer Center. Wikipedia
Here's a list from the FDA website showing all approved vaccines for use in the US:
I count 26 influenza vaccines, yet we're still told to get the COVID vaccines that are not listed here. Also, which comorbidity is most present in people that "died from COVID" according to the CDC? Influenza/pneumonia...all the flu/pneumonia deaths didn't magically disappear, they just became listed as comorbidities instead of the cause of death...surprised?
If you’re talking about the rona vaccine, no. https://www.fda.gov/emergency-preparedness-and-response/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19/covid-19-vaccines#authorized-vaccines
Listen to the support line at the beginning of this video. https://www.bitchute.com/video/U6VcgaCBQe18/
FDA said they will not approve any covid vaccines and they would not approve any vaccines they would not allow their own family members to get. Here is the link https://greatawakening.win/p/12iNeAog2z/fda-will-not-authorize-or-approv/c/
My only problem with Dr Hahn’s statement is that these officials have had no qualms about breaking the law and lying to us in the past.