515 MAN WALKS OUT OF PHARMACIES WITH VAX VIALS, OVERNIGHTS THEM TO DIAGNOSTICS LABS.. RESULTS SOON! (www.bitchute.com) WWG1WGA posted 3 years ago by Fringe--dweller 3 years ago by Fringe--dweller +516 / -1 118 comments share 118 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Anyone know why they are kept cold until injected? What's the potential loss by not keeping the vials cold?
I'd guess since mRNA is inherently unstable and short lived the low temps keep the magic sauce functional.
Which they then inject into a warm body. Must be heat activated, lol.
You misunderstand. They can't survive for very long at higher temperatures, but they are brought up in temperature before injection.
They do what they need to do to the body in a very short time. Whether it's good or bad.
Agreed, that is how they work.
Now the long term effects of artificially raising spike proteins, who knows. Only time will tell...
I was joking. Clearly I failed, lol.
The luciferase and fetal tissue cells need to be temperature controlled.
Lucifer-ase? Seem obvious.
I read somewhere that the mRNA has to be coated with a lipid (fat) layer so the body will not initially reject the genetically modified concoction. The cold storage is to keep it from separating in the vial I suppose.
The lipid fat covering contains nanoparticles.
I heard whatever hijacks you mitochondrion needs to be surrounded in some kind of antifreeze