Tonight on the History Channel, the season premiere of America's Book of Secrets (I've never heard of this show), 9 pm CST "The Secret Space Program". According to the guide: On Dec 20, 2019, Space Force is established, but in 2002, a man named Gary Mckinnon claimed he had discovered evidence that a secret military space program already existed after hacking top-secret Pentagon and NASA computers. Aside from what we know about Space Force, and obviously, presidents being privy to classified data upon election/inauguration (God help us if anybody told Xiden anything - hopefully they just gave him a coloring book and told him it was America's classified data) could there be even more to the Space Force than we originally thought? Did the creation of Space Force add to the #PanicInDC?
Comments (11)
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I only know a bit, but enough to make a simple suggestion.
Stop and close your eyes. Think about where you think U.S. space exploration and our Space Force will be by 2050. Think of everything we might achieve in the next 30 years.
Now open your eyes. We have ALREADY ACHIEVED IT. You just haven't heard about it yet. :>)
When the storm passes, amazing tech is going to be "discovered" with unbelievable quickness.
Mostly because it's already known.
This Gary guy's list of names and ships is, in my opinion, a load of BS. A set-up. Those probably arnt the guys and those probably aren't the ships, but there are guys and there are ships.
Scrape the truth out between the lies. Even BS has elements of truth in it sometimes.
I wouldn't be so certain. The sources cited by OP was an alleged cabal on cabal crime where nobody was ever punished. These people worship satan. One way to diminish someone's view of their self worth is to make them feel like a tiny random occurrence in a giant universe
Yes it is 100% possible that we are already living in space, like in the movies.
It is also 100% possible that this gary mckinnon guy was working for the cabal in the UK and coordinated with the cabal GW Bush administration to release this massive distraction for people seeking the truth about our world.
Like "UFO?"
"God help us if anybody told Xiden anything" -- I find it astounding that any regular participant of this site still posts under the assumption that (a) patriots are not in control, and (b) "Biden" is not a body-double and/or actor in a mask.
Biden link just shows "502 Bad Gateway". :(
Was the coloring book comment not obvious enough I was being facetious? My bad.
Our fren definitely saw the facetiousness. I read the comment as a general (and accurate) observation, not specifically addressed to your (well made) point.