I see that blank stare all the time whenever you present logic or obvious contradictions in their beliefs. They stare, pause for way too long with the blank stare on their face then they change the subject, walk away or start crying. It’s very strange to watch.
Old White Demented Life Long Politician who wants to be President so bad he will lie, cheat, steal, will do whatever he is told by other dirty white politicians and they will sell their souls for power, $, & absolute authority over all others to make sure he gets most votes ever! He has no idea how he became President. He just felt entitled like Hillary & they told him he would be because they new “they” would be the real President!
How does an old OPENLY, VERBALLY RACIST white man get most votes ever?
This guy is the racist they accused Trump of being but he never was
This guy is the RAPIST AND SEXUAL PREDATOR they accused Trump of being but he never was
This guy is the corrupt traitor who did the quid pro quo with Ukraine that they accused Trump of doing
This guy did the collusion with China that they accused Trump of doing with Russia
This guy is the mentally deficient, dangerously demented retard they accused Trump of being, but Trump is sharp as a tack
This guy stole the election in 2020 that they accused Trump of stealing in 2016
This guy deserves the trial, the conviction, and the execution they accused Trump of deserving
Basically Trump is the good guy here :) kek
simple answer is that the Cabal stole them for him
And remind them he won only 1 out of 19 bellweather states, Trump took 18/19, but muh yeah Biden scores 12 million more votes than Saint Obama!
Most valid point
Simple answer: he didn't.
I see that blank stare all the time whenever you present logic or obvious contradictions in their beliefs. They stare, pause for way too long with the blank stare on their face then they change the subject, walk away or start crying. It’s very strange to watch.
This. Seen this or just flat out denial.
Because white racist doesn't mean anything so long as that person is part of the DS
Old White Demented Life Long Politician who wants to be President so bad he will lie, cheat, steal, will do whatever he is told by other dirty white politicians and they will sell their souls for power, $, & absolute authority over all others to make sure he gets most votes ever! He has no idea how he became President. He just felt entitled like Hillary & they told him he would be because they new “they” would be the real President!