Aliens. No Israel. No AP sharing office space with Hamas. No Dr. Fauci funding gain of function research. No AZ audit. No Bill Gates/Epstein connection.
Fake alien invasion has always been the ace up the elite’s sleeve. We are over the target.
Aliens. No Israel. No AP sharing office space with Hamas. No Dr. Fauci funding gain of function research. No AZ audit. No Bill Gates/Epstein connection.
Fake alien invasion has always been the ace up the elite’s sleeve. We are over the target.
Was joking about this with an awake friend the other day. I'm surprised they didn't try this earlier. They could have blamed the aliens for COVID and the bullshit restrictions. Would have sold much better and caused me to work double time to counter. No creativity.
The story came out in 2017 in the NYTimes and the videos are even older. They’re just recycling it.
Even more proof, no creatively.
It does seem the FF is getting weaker and weaker.
I'm sure the MSM will get around to interviewing Simon Parkes soon. Remember, he says he has been boinking aliens for quite a few years now, which makes him an expert... or something.
Nephilim invasion.
All I know is all u “midget” women like me better run like hell! Round these parts the tallest men have the shortest women.
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 78f9ff No.154583 ? Dec 23 2017 01:53:22 (EST) Anonymous ID: 50e089 No.154493 ? Dec 23 2017 01:46:21 (EST) 2017-12-23 00_46_02-Elon Musk on Twitter_ _Nuclear alien UFO from North Korea https___t.co_GUIHpKkkp.png⬇
what a total yawn for those of us in to the alien shit . like hello....we know.
Exactly! We don’t need their confirmation NOW! If they want my attention a flying saucer will need to land on the White House lawn and the aliens disembark & ask to speak to our leader. (Then Biden makes Kamala meet with them)! ?
lol! he would be shitting his pants. 60 min is a liiiiiiiiiittle late to the ufo game lol.
Hi, TheyWereCones. Regarding the aliens:
The aliens are quite real. Anything one can interact with is real and exists--in some form or another. The interesting question centers around what is their actual ontological nature, i.e., in what form do they actually exist.
The veridical answer to that question is that the aliens (and their precursor edition, the demons) are particular naturally-evolved parts of our own mind, i.e., they are particular subsets of our own consciousness: mostly the aliens/demons/etc. exist in our subconscious, but the highest levels of the elite occult societies have figured out over the ages various mental techniques to bring the aliens to the fore, to the conscious level. These aliens are the gods of old, the ones that required human sacrifice.
For much more on what is going on with the aliens/demons/spirit-guides/etc., see my following article:
On the more literal level of extraterrestrial life, it is likely that very simple forms of life exist throughout the universe. Yet the ancient alien hypothesis along with the idea of current intelligent extraterrestrial visitations has been pushed hard by certain sectors of the corporate media, and it is low-grade B-movie science-fiction schlock. A species powerful enough to cross stars--let alone galaxies--wouldn't come to Earth as humanoid creatures in ponderous starships, but rather would use extreme nanotechnology. If they were malicious and wanted to seize the Earth, they would fall to the ground as microscopic dust, infect our craniums, and we'd all be brain-dead before we hit the ground. It would be lights-out before any human even knew that anything had occurred.
Which is to say, if a species powerful and intelligent enough to cross stars were to land on Earth, where they would land is quite literally inside everyone's skulls.
Consult footnote 247 on pp. 103-104 of my following article regarding the globalist elite's New World Order alien deception agenda:
My foregoing article concerns physicist and mathematician Prof. Frank J. Tipler's Omega Point cosmology and the Feynman-DeWitt-Weinberg quantum gravity/Standard Model Theory of Everything (TOE), which is a proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) of God's existence per the known laws of physics (viz., the Second Law of Thermodynamics, General Relativity, and Quantum Mechanics). Tipler's Omega Point cosmology has been extensively peer-reviewed and published in a number of the world's leading physics and science journals. However, it also analyzes the societal implications of said, particularly the implications of the exponential advancement of technology and hence also the coming radical life-extension technologies (i.e., transhumanism) in light of a world dominated by a callous oligarchy.
wow thanks for the info. i am going to read through all of this when i get home later! I do actually firmly believe in aliens' existence. Always in to ufo shows as a kid.
Men in Black, The Matrix and Idiocracy are all documentaries. Soon to be confirmed...though we already live in an "idiocratic" society.
Logically, any alien ?invaders will want to speak to our leaders. ?
Joe Biden?
Heels ?Up Harris? Nasty Piglosi?
The aliens will probably just leave and wait for humans to evolve more.
All Aliens are just Karens, but with "Take me to your leader" instead of "I want to speak to your manager"
Logistically how it will unfold, effect on public etc will be interesting. Not sure what they hope to achieve by it though. Just to cover the election fraud? Won't it kill the Rona narrative?
AJ has said in the past that this is their Trump card once they’ve exhausted the consent of the public on global warming, pandemics, etc. Their capital is disappearing. Their final desperation/death blow will be a manufactured alien occupation in which the “aliens” say they will not work with us until we are unified under a one world government, so this will be an attempt to use a boogeyman to usher in the great reset because they have failed in every other way. Insane desperation.
Wow like that's going to work - not. Q said these people were stupid :).
The election fraud is worldwide, layers deep with preselected sheriffs, mayors, police, judges, District Attorneys, governors, senators, presidents, prime ministers.
Election fraud is the plug in the swamp.
D5 draining.
Preselected entertainers in music, tv, movies, sports.
It’s just so bad no one would believe it.
I think it even shocked Trump when he finally heard it all...he said so once himself.
Pepe remembers.
“I wouldn’t have ever believed the corruption was so bad.”
Can't argue that.
An alien invasion would fit the definition of "precipice" don't you think?
No. A precipice would be the truth coming out about the vax & there is a global normie freak out! If it is as bad as some think, that will be a huge betrayal.
I'm not sure people would buy it - too many waking up.
Well yea, how else will they prime the cattle for project blue beam in July 2021