how much more angry would you be when you discovered it was all a cia/deep state project and you were just the patsy. this was not an organic protest - this was part of operation chaos and was quite a successful operation so far it seems. real black americans know this is all bullshit, but then the media doesnt given them much airtime
The most vile and absurd the devil can get us to swallow, the more destructive he can be.
As we’ve witnessed.
Yes, this worship of a junkie thug is so ridiculous and obscene… because that is the damned point.
Give anyone who pretends this is decent the amount of respect they deserve. Zero.
I would be ashamed if my race made George Floyd a hero.
how much more angry would you be when you discovered it was all a cia/deep state project and you were just the patsy. this was not an organic protest - this was part of operation chaos and was quite a successful operation so far it seems. real black americans know this is all bullshit, but then the media doesnt given them much airtime