Did Canada fall to the NWO? Anyone able to confirm UN presence in Canada?
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I live in Eastern Canada.... no UN troops here yet anyway. By the way, people here don't get fined for shaking hands either, I see some posts here about Canada that aren't true like people being fined for shaking hands and that Chinese troops have taken over Canada. There are Chinese troops in parts of Western Canada like Vancouver because they own a bunch of land there. Which should be illegal. Cnada is in trouble but I wish people wouldn't exagerate. The truth is bad enough.
The Chinese troops were true. Trudeau allowed them to train here until he got backlash and kicked them out. As far as shaking hands if you did that here in Brampton it would be a 3000 fine. Even if you are any where near anyone else. There is no one lying here about what is going on but in Eastern Canada you do not have the traitor Doug Ford running your place. It is bad and I live in Brampton not far from Toronto so speak for yourself please.
So where then did the video of the Canadian cop giving a fine for shaking hands come from?
Yes I just found out about that. It's one person, haven't heard of anyone else. Each province is different. I don't wear masks outside. I have shaken hands and even hugged people in public and did not get fined or charged. I didn't say people are lying, I said there is exaggeration.
So if you didn't hear about it, it didn't happen. Good to know.
Dude shut up in Ontario this shit is happening. I live in the GTA . They are arresting pastors in Ontario and Alberta. I stil can not buy charcoal for my bbq . They say we dont have any on the website . But go to walmart and you can see it on the shelves . You have to book an appointment to buy work boots . This happened to me today . Ontario is now like Cuba . The primier of Ontario has said that we will not open till 80% of the population has been vaccinated . They keep pushing back the open date . Its been almost 3 months of house arrest . People get tickets for riding bikes . Facebook post with fines to prove . Check out rebel medias Hamilton rally all get tickets this happened on Saturday. Come to ontario if you want to see for yourself. Oh thats right you cant because police have road blocks in and out of ontario . So shut the fuck up . I dont report on your 23 person mass murder by uniformed police . Oh thats right he was impersonating a cop LOL
The Quebecois have been wanting to succeed from Canada for years so who knows? Canada is under sway of the British Crown and the Queen's Privy Council. I keep seeing rumors that the Queen is no longer in Buckingham Palace and the place is locked up. So, some input from U.K. patriots would be helpful. But if the Queen is gone that might signal a big change coming to the U.K. and their provinces of Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Hopefully, the Brits will free themselves of the pedophiles, banksters and the "ruling class" and thus help the provinces gain true freedom, as well.
Months ago, during the crack down on Quebecers, there were photos on UN troops.
At the time I was paying more attention to BLM, the election, or something else, hadn't read up much on the great reset at all. As such, no idea where those photos are now or if they were real.
most of our northern border has armed country folk along it. yes, even "those" states.
News flash: EVERY country that signed th U N. Treaty fell to the NWO. The U.N. IS the NWO and has been ruling the world since FDR proposed the plan.
I mean, China was keeping its troops on the Canadian border last year. This isn’t surprising.
Not Eastern boarder. No troops here in Eastern Canada. Never was. I live 15 minutes from the boarder.
Yeah, but what about the border?