Unfortunately there ARE plenty of parents out there that love this kind of crap and will absolutely buy it for their children... I know this because my mother is one of them.
Thank god she wasn’t like this when I was little! But she has two new little ones, and her and her stay-at-home boyfriend are about as crazy progressive as they come. It’s disgusting watching them brainwash my siblings... and then they wonder why I’m so hesitant to let them watch my son.
It's almost like they are a 2 year old seeing what they can get away with. I do believe that the Patriots have shown these companies time and time again who really spends the money around here. Time for their new 12k piece world kit to sit on the shelves and collect dust at Target.
This sounds like bullshit designed for us to share with others and look like idiots in the process. Proceed with caution, gullible anons. I know you're out there.
Ever since gay "marriage" was rammed through the courts and forced upon us / crammed down all our throats,
I was posting & telling everyone who'd listen that this was the next logical step.
Unfortunately there ARE plenty of parents out there that love this kind of crap and will absolutely buy it for their children... I know this because my mother is one of them.
Thank god she wasn’t like this when I was little! But she has two new little ones, and her and her stay-at-home boyfriend are about as crazy progressive as they come. It’s disgusting watching them brainwash my siblings... and then they wonder why I’m so hesitant to let them watch my son.
It's almost like they are a 2 year old seeing what they can get away with. I do believe that the Patriots have shown these companies time and time again who really spends the money around here. Time for their new 12k piece world kit to sit on the shelves and collect dust at Target.
Except they are satanic communist pedophile demons from hell.
Literal satan's minions.
oh ffs.
They finally took something I love and actually devalued it... can’t win them all.
How the fuck does gender or sexuality have anything to do with Lego. I'm ashamed that I used to play with their product.
It's all about the agenda, the narrative, sexualizing children, lowering the age of consent while simultaneously normalizing pedophelia.
I've been saying this was the next logical step ever since they crammed gay "marriage" down our throats.
Now, they're gonna ram it down our kids throats.
Sorry for the nasty visual, but WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Black and orange (superstraight) walking away from the degenerates.
I love how the flag now includes brown and black for black people lmao
dont buy them new anyway you can get a big box for cheap on ebay of good old legos
This sounds like bullshit designed for us to share with others and look like idiots in the process. Proceed with caution, gullible anons. I know you're out there.
I saw a friend who is most definitely a lib share it on FB, so no, this is real and it actually has an appeal to some people that I can’t understand.
Ever since gay "marriage" was rammed through the courts and forced upon us / crammed down all our throats, I was posting & telling everyone who'd listen that this was the next logical step.
I was right.
To anyone who doubted me: I told you so.
what color do us Qtards and autists get? were a special minority too ya know