The house of cards (GME) is about to fall. Probably in the next two weeks. There are several potential catalysts lined up, one or all of which may be revealed between now and 6/9 (shareholder meeting).
Yup this. I've been around here for awhile and I have to say this is the most plausible thing that is going to set off a massive rolling ball that the media can't stop. Literally will bankrupt many of the largest hedgefunds on wall street along with any banks or other croney organizations caught up in it. Probably will wipe out much (if not all) of the deep state's funding. Just look at how much they were manipulating crypto and now they've pulled everything out, tanking the crypto market too. And manipulating the price of GME downwards to buy a little more time. This event is going to bankrupt much of Wall Street, expose their exploitation where they've been making money up out of thin-air via loopholes/cheating, and likely will be one of the greatest transfers of wealth from Wall Street 1% to a bunch of random retail investors. They are running like rats and trying to get as much money off-shores before this things blows up (which will likely be 6/9 GME shareholder meeting). Throw this into the mix with COVID-19 lab, Fauci, election fraud, election audits, etc. and you've got a "storm".
The stock market will tank because the hedge funds are so mind-bogglingly far in the black hole financially that they will be forced to liquidate their entire portfolios to cover even just a fraction of their short positions. Naturally this will tank other stocks as they sell them.
The hedge funds that have shorted GME are so far in the hole that it will require hundred of billions if not trillions of dollars to unwind. All the money comes from institutions, banks, governing bodies, the fed, etc.
It is absolutely one part of “nothing can stop what is coming”
Yes, I believe it will. At least for a while. There have been almost two dozen new rules passed that are directly related to this situation. They should prevent this problem from ever happening again (assuming they are enforced).
The house of cards (GME) is about to fall. Probably in the next two weeks. There are several potential catalysts lined up, one or all of which may be revealed between now and 6/9 (shareholder meeting).
Prepare for the storm.
Jacked to the height of the mammaries
Mammaries in orbit, tbh
Next stop Alpha Centauri
Yup this. I've been around here for awhile and I have to say this is the most plausible thing that is going to set off a massive rolling ball that the media can't stop. Literally will bankrupt many of the largest hedgefunds on wall street along with any banks or other croney organizations caught up in it. Probably will wipe out much (if not all) of the deep state's funding. Just look at how much they were manipulating crypto and now they've pulled everything out, tanking the crypto market too. And manipulating the price of GME downwards to buy a little more time. This event is going to bankrupt much of Wall Street, expose their exploitation where they've been making money up out of thin-air via loopholes/cheating, and likely will be one of the greatest transfers of wealth from Wall Street 1% to a bunch of random retail investors. They are running like rats and trying to get as much money off-shores before this things blows up (which will likely be 6/9 GME shareholder meeting). Throw this into the mix with COVID-19 lab, Fauci, election fraud, election audits, etc. and you've got a "storm".
Exactly this ??
Watch the water.
DTCC location?
Water Street.
One of a few possible meanings. Multiple meanings?
Will GME destroy the stock market?
Along with NOK and AMC - yes, I think so
What does that even mean? Shares will be so expensive that people won't be able to sell?
The stock market will tank because the hedge funds are so mind-bogglingly far in the black hole financially that they will be forced to liquidate their entire portfolios to cover even just a fraction of their short positions. Naturally this will tank other stocks as they sell them.
Does this mean my doggy coin is going to take off?
The hedge funds that have shorted GME are so far in the hole that it will require hundred of billions if not trillions of dollars to unwind. All the money comes from institutions, banks, governing bodies, the fed, etc.
It is absolutely one part of “nothing can stop what is coming”
Yes, I believe it will. At least for a while. There have been almost two dozen new rules passed that are directly related to this situation. They should prevent this problem from ever happening again (assuming they are enforced).
Can anyone ELI5, the whole GameStop thing? I just thought it’s stock was going to rocket up? What is everyone holding and waiting for?