Been thinking about this a lot: We need a new method of governance. I think Trumps been hinting at this as well. The swamp has been exposed and its very deep and all encompassing. It’s beyond needing a little landscaping to fix it. It needs to be burned down completely so something new can grow from the ash-fertilized soil.
It took 200 years for the system to be totally compromised and also 200 years for us to figure out that the system itself has lost sight of its prior intention, to act in the best interests of its people. This has been developing since WW1. Pots boiling now!
Our government today doesn’t really do anything for the people. It’s all for their own benefit and the benefit of their special interest group donors. They’re holding US back. They’re slowing down innovation.
I think a grassroots cooperative decentralized movement (similar to how wall street bets were able to collectively out perform the stock market) could be created and could outperform our current government. I think a group of hundreds of thousands or even millions of patriotic Americans can make decisions much more effectively than slimey Dem or Rep politicians.
Anyone have any ideas on this?
How would this work exactly?
Do it on localized levels/state levels?
Why should my laws be the same as a New Yorkers laws?
Why do we even need a federal government?
Was this the intention of the original constitution?
I feel like this is where we need to go but I have no idea where we would even start.
What has been catching my attention this entire time is how state governors are taking back their power with the mask mandates.
The dissolution of the current federal government might just be in the cards for us.
We do not need a new form of government. That would be extremely stupid. Our government has worked very well for over 200 years.
Many of the people in the Federal government have become corrupt, and must be tried, convicted and punished... and then replaced by people that are not corrupt. Reforms must be put in place to make future corruption extremely difficult (can never be made impossible).
The States must take back the power that has been ceded to the Federal government over the years. Corrupt people at the state level must also be tried, convicted and punished, replaced, etc. Similar reforms as the Federal government.
Voting must be reformed. No more anonymous secret ballots. Treat voting as if it were a financial transaction - private, with receipts. Use low tech voting mechanisms that cannot be hacked (paper ballots, counted by hand, etc.)
Our government needs to be restored, not replaced. Anyone that thinks they are smarter than our founding fathers has just proven themselves to be incredibly stupid in comparison.
The government is far too large and complex. You don't need tens of thousands of government employees to oversee states. It should be reduced to a skeleton staff.
Well, I agree this is a golden opportunity to shrink the size of the federal government... but that is secondary to rooting out all of the corrupt people first, and making sure that they pay a severe price for their crimes.
Shrinking the size of the federal government as part of this process would be a very good idea as well.
Burn it to the ground and be done. Why replace it? Trump said he was returning the government back to the people. Why don't we do a internet based blockchain system to make legislative decisions. When you register to vote you get a unique trip code to enter the voting system. President Trump poses a question, ie, "Should we have open borders?" Every citizen logs on to vote and the will of the people prevails. And when 80% of the country responds with a "NO", we shut that border down.
Sounds like direct democracy mob rule. Maybe thatd be ok on the local level.
Maybe a prerequisite should be that you are a property owner and pay taxes. Perhaps pass a IQ test with a minimum score or all of the above.
One of the main issues with politics is that people make a career out of it. Another is that the concommitant bureaucrats are in it for life as well.
The consequence is that they gradually discover more and more ways of making the system benefit themselves rather than the people. Term limits for all would help but the obvious downside is that your government would all be relative amateurs.
Also, the states in the USA can pretty much run themselves so it makes me wonder why there needs to be another four million people on the Federal payroll. OK, that includes the Military but what can the rest all be doing?
How about a system like jury service where people get picked at random for a year in politics?
Not « our » government: Our Government is what to replace this mockery with.
Some of what we knew as the current federal government can be done away with. We do need national military, a working, non-corrupt judiciary and several other functions. Term limits and certainly campaign financing restrictions are ideas worth looking into.
What we need more than anything in this country and across the globe is honest, truthful media. If we’d had that, NONE of this evil BS would have been allowed to grow and fester.
Also, I’m all for keeping teams like the digital armies always uncovering the truth and exposing the corruption, many of whom can remain anonymous for their own safety.
Thoughtful post, OP. The topic definitely needs much more consideration.
I'll keep screaming the MSM is public enemy 1
We go back to the Original Document, remove amendment on election of Senators, remove amendment on income tax, remove/replace 15th amendment and clarify who is a citizen. require anyone running for office be at least 3rd generation. fill in any other requirements.
Oh, term limits for senators,2 term limits for congress 3. no one can run for an office if they currently hold any office.
All political offices are term limited
You may only ever hold 1 office
You may not get paid more than twice the average income
An audit of financials is completed for 10 years after a person leaves office
Lobbyists are limited to private citizens or banned altogether
Any link found between a decision in government and private gain is a mandatory life sentence for all parties and a confiscation of all wealth of all parties
No more secrets or very few secrets and they must have oversight by a citizen group.
Let the government function in the manner it is described in the constitution with an addition. - The people, by way of voting, have veto power on any proposed law.
For some period of time, any existing federal law can be challenged by the people and removed. (or just start over with a clean slate)
Most federal government agencies disbanded or rebuilt with citizen oversight.
Hang all existing traitors.
Eliminate all campaign donations and lobbying. Political candidates are allowed equal access to certain websites for voter information. Debates can be utilized also. Politicians have to open up all of their financial records. No stock trading allowed except blind trusts, including candidates spouses. Term limits. Truth in media, with serious consequences for false and politically motivated editing. Free speech across social media, with sites that are kids friendly, blocking obscenity. To me, we do not need thousands of pages of new laws every year. This is the problem. They are like royalty ruling over us. All laws need to be brought back to basics. Flat tax, no IRS. God help us, it all needs to cleaned up.
Return to the Founders' original vision. It is Simple yet Profound. Stupid people tried to make it fit their own ends while their minions believed in them and their FAKE Ideals...AWAKE we now return to Original Constitution as GEOTUS has followed. This is why we were moving at Light Speed towards the top of Mankind existence until the Falsechi/Chiden/CCP bioweapon interfered and was beaten by GEOTUS
The Constitution as originally written plus some Amendments to encompass new technology.
We have steered so far away from the Constitution that simply enforcing it plus some calculated Amendments would solve most everything.
I believe our founding fathers (visionaries?) always wanted the States to be the power of "We The People".................
Another REPUBLIC but with fewer 3-Letter agencies, a more thorough vetting process for our elected officials, bureaucrats, and judges, and maybe a few more amendments added to the Constitution that better outlines what the media & tech companies, PACs & Super PACs, private donors, charitable orgs, and unions can do and get away with. NO FOREIGN DONATIONS, EITHER.
A REPUBLIC that's founded on certain "democratic" principles is best for Humanity, as long as The People don't become lulled into blissful, sleepy stupidity.
Oh, and a NATIONWIDE voter I.D. mandate. If ya wanna vote, show some I.D. with your signature on it so it can be PROPERLY verified and counted.
Also, NO MORE political "dynasties." If you are elected to a political office, then it excludes your family for 3 generations, at any level (city, county, State, Federal).
Lastly, term limits Alla cross the various levels of govt and top bureaucratic positions. No more than 8 yrs. This includes breaks in "service." 8 yrs, MAX. Keep yhr House, Senate, and Gubernatorial races on intervening years between Presidential races, but only 8 yrs, MAX for any level.
What do we replace it with? Easy...
Being self-sufficient as an individual, then a family, then your neighborhood, then your local community and government. After that I guess you care a bit about your state government. The federal government should be literally so small that you almost never think about it.
I'm being serious...focus on yourself, then your family, then your neighbors, then your town...once you're all doing that, the federal government has almost no power over you. Imagine not really caring who the president is because they can't really do anything for you...which means they can't really take much away either. That was, in all honesty, the very idea of America.