What is the play? They (white hats) can't let cripple milions of people. Even with covid only, your body is full of it. Or they are just thinking about next generations who will populate this world again?
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Tons and tons of flavanoids. (Quercetin, HCQ, Ivermectin, Turmeric, Curcumin, Licorice, etc...)
And a good swift kick to the head.
The last part will help the most.
I think you could add coconut oil because it helps reverse prion damage (just in case). I take it.
But you don't clean body from spike protein with these. It only cures the virus.
Watch the video I linked. This dude says it can disrupt the proteins.
It's not much, but it is some hope on a way forward.
Thank you. Watching it right now. :)
I've heard that ivermectin will bond to the spike protein and help get rid of it.
I read that they actually have a antidote. Pine tea is oneway look it up
I read that too, and interesting how popular the pine tree is in all of this...Evergreen, pineal gland, etc.
I also think prayer is the best antidote, and that's why Q has continuously told us to 'put on our armor of God'. and that this is a ultimately a spiritual battle.
Suramin, found in pine needle tea. But beware, some pine tree needles are toxic.
Eastern Pine is the best.
White pine, 5 needles Boil water place chopped needles in water and let cool
Not for pregnant women, can cause miscarriage
How much do you drink?
And the vaccine isn’t? Lol
Also, unless you have the right kind of pine yourself, the authentic So. Korean needles are expensive and take a lot of soaking and brewing. The powder is much easier to use.
I heard it on Mike Adams situation report at natural news.com
He also has a video somewhere on how to make it, and explains how. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-09-is-pine-needle-tea-the-answer-to-covid-vaccine-shedding-suramin-shikimic-acid.html
I’m curious if the spike protein will affect certain types of people over others. Like if you have underlying health issues vs somebody who is a health nut athlete.
It's to do with the distribution of ACE2 receptors in the body I believe. It can be different in different people and the pattern of distribution in organs can be different too. I think this explains why people get it more or less badly and why children don't usually get it. They don't have many of these receptors.
The virus uses the spike protein to gain access to cells via ACE2 receptors on the cell surface. I think spike proteins without a virus similarly interfere with these receptors and interfere with the body's ACE based regulation systems such as blood pressure, clotting
I'm a health nut athlete Asian and the spike protein is killing me. I was lying in bed in agony last night because it felt like my ovaries were burning a hole through my skin. This is from shedding. I would die if I was "fully-vaccinated".
Hope some of the info provided will help you.
Please keep us posted if you find something which makes you feel better.
Perhaps blood types and/or other blood elements have something to do with hiw the body handles them (?).
(The above idea stems from reading somewhere that the coof is said to affect Rh- and type O less than others.)
Read up on ACE 2 receptors
Thyme tea also. Safer than pine needle tea. Buy it at the grocery store, bring water to almost boil, throw in handful of thyme, let steep for 30 minutes, strain, add honey or lemon to taste. Can be taken every few days since thyme will stay in the system for a few days. Good for vaxed and those of us who've been shedded upon. I've not tried this yet but my sources are solid. Good luck to everyone.
My guess is they would never release an infectuous disease until they had a cure for themselves, a real one.
When Q folks say "we have everything," they very likely have the cure to spike protein disorders included. That's why Trump can approve of getting vaccinated, and even his own daughter took it.
Treat it like it’s COVID
Hyperbaric oxygen.
Thank you all for answers!
My guess is sweat all the nanoparticles out with ritualistic sauna use.
You your outside voice too…Damn
This is one of the biggest questions out there IMO: How long do the spike proteins remain in the body and cause damage after a person (a) gets a covd vax and/or (b) gets infected with SARS-CoV-2. Some studies suggest the spike proteins are cleared from the body within two weeks of the final injection. Other docs think the spike proteins will remain for two years or more... maybe for the rest of a person's life.
I'm not sure if it always written in to the DNA or just theoretically can be written back to the DNA. Maybe it is in just some cells and the body can delete them.
Most of the problem my be mRNA and spike proteins, both might eventually be flushed from the body, especially with the right de-toxing.
That's my hope. I don't think it's a death sentence when managed.