Yes he showed in detail the same plane flying from where she was supposedly arrested in (New Hampshire USA?) southwards to somewhere like Charlotte then the same plane immediately onwards to Cuba. At one point Monkeywerx was doing daily reports so a lot of video but you can probably find it if you search.
I like him but he is consistently wrong on just about every flight thing I have seen him do. Not throwing shade at him, but he has access to the same information we do... which isn’t much.
Yeah, planefagging was weird. Theres a whole lot of assumptions being made. I feel like when that was hot here, people were looking for anything to feel better. Now that we are seeing actual moves, it seems absurd.
I agree, although i did like the one where Trump flew AF1 to Florida, passed over a place called The Big Swamp and drew a Q. I think it was on Bidens inauguration? Trumps last flight, so far, on AF1.
Is there even any possibility whatsoever of confirming this
Bet I know the answer
Yes he showed in detail the same plane flying from where she was supposedly arrested in (New Hampshire USA?) southwards to somewhere like Charlotte then the same plane immediately onwards to Cuba. At one point Monkeywerx was doing daily reports so a lot of video but you can probably find it if you search.
I like him but he is consistently wrong on just about every flight thing I have seen him do. Not throwing shade at him, but he has access to the same information we do... which isn’t much.
Yeah, planefagging was weird. Theres a whole lot of assumptions being made. I feel like when that was hot here, people were looking for anything to feel better. Now that we are seeing actual moves, it seems absurd.
I just think it’s funny they would be doing a secret operation and leaving a transponder on for everybody and their grandmother to track
I agree, although i did like the one where Trump flew AF1 to Florida, passed over a place called The Big Swamp and drew a Q. I think it was on Bidens inauguration? Trumps last flight, so far, on AF1.
Cool man