Human Remains Found Near Prince Harry And Meghan’s Home....
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Reading through the article, it sounds like comms to me. Digging up unrelated plants is going to find skeletons close to the royals. We'll see in a few days if any secrets come out about them and how they try to rebury it.
Based on what's going on, we may find proof that the royals are also connected to the origins of covid or knew about its origins. Could also be pointing towards Boris (since he could be considered close but not related) knowing more and/or covering it up.
Granted that's all speculation and may not go anywhere, but it'll be interesting to see.
no one gives a squirt about these two. Too bad it wasn't their remains. Just seeing their pic makes me want to puke. fuck all “ royals” they are a bunch a thieving, kid doinking scum.
I concur.
Their remains? Please, please?
The human remains they found are hundreds of years old.
Unless Harry and Meghan are time travelers to the past... they weren't involved in these deaths.
First Canada, now here with these two clowns.... ?
Why post this.
Who knows where this will lead to....That's that a problem...?
'Officials reportedly confirmed, “that the property on which the remains were found had no connection to Meghan and Harry’s.”'