Nope! I've recently quit my job and have thoroughly enjoyed being a homemaker since. I made sure we had a good savings built up to allow for it (only use it if absolutely necessary!). We pay our bills and our biggest indulgence is food to cook at home.
We're totally going to have to rethink everything once it's started and done. Our world won't be the same anymore and that is fine by me.
We going to have to re-learn our history.
Nothing we think we know is true!
I think this could be very interesting and enjoyable to learn the actual history of things without lies and spin. Can't wait!
Yea I wanna learn just how much of the Holocaust is bullshit. Because, most of it is indeed bullshit.
"History is a lie! E-e-xcept that! That really happened and is so unquestionably true that questioning it is prohibited!"
EDIT: The absolute hypocrisy of Q following pro-Israel RETARDS. (as in, you're retarded if you're pro-Israel, for the slow crowd)
So the thousands of survivors with tattooed forearms and horrific concentration camp stories were misinformed by their eyeballs and emaciated bodies?
Username fits
Would it really hurt us to go back to simpler?
Nope! I've recently quit my job and have thoroughly enjoyed being a homemaker since. I made sure we had a good savings built up to allow for it (only use it if absolutely necessary!). We pay our bills and our biggest indulgence is food to cook at home.
I had to quit my job for health reasons, so I also get to stay home and it's been awesome.
actually wouldn't mind being off grid for awhile, and I'm getting a camper van just 'in case'.
The well’s been poisoned already with spike protein toxins
Yep. Considering that everything is already FAR from the same, this will be most welcome.
Governing ourselves, no ones slave, gold standard, out of the debt trap, family values yes.
I was going to reply that "back to normal sounds great," but your version is much, much better. Would love to see and experience that!
What ?said
I’m so ready!