Breaking Texas off, taking a few other states along with and watching the rest burn sounds more and more appealing anytime ideas like this are floated around ??
This is a message from Etsy regarding your shop, ***"". We're getting in touch to let you know that we've removed one or more of your listings in accordance with our Prohibited Items Policy:
Please be aware that continuing to list this type of content may lead to the suspension of your account. We don’t want that to happen, so we ask that you please review the rest of your items and ensure that they comply with our Prohibited Items Policy:≤
This will get worse before it gets better. If you just need someone to handle ads/social media, there should be plenty of out of work (waiting on biden checks) social media code guru punks on reddit /r/webdev or where ever.
You will always have the "misinformation" problem because nobody has defined who gets to judge what is or is not "misinformation".
I was looking on Etsy for wwg1wga, 17 and trump gear and it's like they banned it. I even found a store that had a few patriotic things and asked if they could make me some, and I was told no. I wish you guys could all get together that make and sell things that are banned in one place. I hate Etsy anyway because I often come across inappropriate things they shouldn't be allowed to sell. Even had pornographic images of the first lady trump when searching for trump. F trump and blue lives kill is promoted though. I am getting sick and tired of being told what I can and cannot buy and the leftist perverts being celebrated. Pride month makes me I'll btw!
I just recently set up an account, and I’m guessing because some of my products, Include 45, being they don’t like Pres Trump, will not be allowed? I have not yet listed anything as I’m waiting on boxes....& the “fees suck” big time..
seeing your post deflated me a little, so I’m signing up for Saturday Market Vendor in my local town after attending today.
Love your shirt by the way!
I used to love them, bought and sold on there after they donated tons of money to B olives M I sent them a letter denouncing their agenda and closed my account for good!
Breaking Texas off, taking a few other states along with and watching the rest burn sounds more and more appealing anytime ideas like this are floated around ??
Now that you mention it I saw a very common wheat penny for $13,500 on Etsy, wondered what the fuck. Maybe you are on to something.
Wouldn't surprise me in the least to find out that etsy or amazon were darpa creations.
Yes true.
Well it is creepy.
But true
Sorry I didn't see Bidens face I'm on my phone.youre right it is true.
Yeah I made it low profile. So at first glance you may not see it.
But those that know, will know it right away
Right !? That's what I thought
We’ve refunded you the fees for the listing(s) we removed. You can see your deactivated listings here:
Certain types of content are not appropriate for the Etsy marketplace. This includes content that promotes or endorses harmful misinformation:
Please be aware that continuing to list this type of content may lead to the suspension of your account. We don’t want that to happen, so we ask that you please review the rest of your items and ensure that they comply with our Prohibited Items Policy:≤ clearly does not see the world the same as you and should receive nothing from you.
Are there no alternative vendors you can use?
Yes I have to get my personal site going. Problem of course is advertising
Do you have traffic, or do they drive your traffic?
they drive massive traffic, they also i think have cut mine in half since i started posting on FB about the truth - my business is hostage to etsy
I have ads up through various social media platforms so I guess they drive it
This will get worse before it gets better. If you just need someone to handle ads/social media, there should be plenty of out of work (waiting on biden checks) social media code guru punks on reddit /r/webdev or where ever.
You will always have the "misinformation" problem because nobody has defined who gets to judge what is or is not "misinformation".
Etsy is horrible! They will ban your whole account with no explanation. They gave 1 million to blm.
I've got an etsy shop too. Looking to get away from this converged organization.
Screw ETSY! I will buy this shirt! How do I get one?
I'm thinking I may list it back up but crop the words out
So it's misinformation but there are many anti Trump shirts up no problem. Surprise surprise
I was looking on Etsy for wwg1wga, 17 and trump gear and it's like they banned it. I even found a store that had a few patriotic things and asked if they could make me some, and I was told no. I wish you guys could all get together that make and sell things that are banned in one place. I hate Etsy anyway because I often come across inappropriate things they shouldn't be allowed to sell. Even had pornographic images of the first lady trump when searching for trump. F trump and blue lives kill is promoted though. I am getting sick and tired of being told what I can and cannot buy and the leftist perverts being celebrated. Pride month makes me I'll btw!
This is the first shirt that I put in the tags wwg1wga.
That may have something to do with it now that your mention it
I just recently set up an account, and I’m guessing because some of my products, Include 45, being they don’t like Pres Trump, will not be allowed? I have not yet listed anything as I’m waiting on boxes....& the “fees suck” big time.. seeing your post deflated me a little, so I’m signing up for Saturday Market Vendor in my local town after attending today. Love your shirt by the way!
With Trump stuff you might be okay. I have two shirts that have Trump on them and they haven't said anything.
All it takes is one complaint though, as we know
Yes I go to a local market place and sell my shirts also.
Honestly you'll do better mixing in with the folks than with online unknowns reporting you because their feelings are hurt
i think they have cut my sales in half because of my FB posts
I used to love them, bought and sold on there after they donated tons of money to B olives M I sent them a letter denouncing their agenda and closed my account for good!
Same here.
In all honesty, I'm surprised that they even caught it or understood it!
I'm thinking I may list it back up but crop the words out
I will buy a few
I mean... why would you wear a shirt that says "I want your children" ...? You can also barely tell that that's Bidet.
Well, I get what you're saying and all .. however to me it's pretty evident what it is.
And I've worn the shirt out and get nothing but thumbs up and fuck Biden comments.
So if they're are some people that don't get it, who fucking cares?
Well I wouldn’t buy it but you should be allowed to sell it. Free market and all. Fuck Etsy!