Healthy Blood vs Post Jab Blood. Shocking!
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A "social media site" is not a credible source for Before It's News. Or for anyone, for that matter.
I appreciate your perspective while I am watching an interview on The Stew Peters show of a 35yr old mother laying in her hospital bed imploring people to research and to NOT take the jab. Censorship is a large problem in our society. Gather your information from numerous sources. There are many articles showing the damaged blood cells pre and post jab so if YOU are concerned you should hunt out the info. Take care Fren.
More credible to me is the research done in HCQ, zinc, and D3 for those who got the vaccine already (sheep) or those who get sick (common cold/flu/“COVID”)
Apocalyptic future for many. Imagine a world where up to half the U.S. population is gone—just gone or sever health problems that can overburden our health care system.
Esp. When those who got the jab are
Police Military Doctors Nurses Teachers Semi drivers
How would that knock out our National services?
Well done Chy nah, well done.
Everyone will rely on the government to take care of us, great way to change us, and the world, to become socialists.
I would like to see this replicated by someone willing to put their name on it.
This may all be true… But instead of everybody focusing on all the horrible things happening, why aren’t any of these doctors working on something to secure these problems instead of only expose them. That’s my only question. It just seems like our side is just as much fear mongering as the left. When is somebody with a brain in their head, who has the ability and knows the biological effects of this vaccine, going to stand up and start doing research to reverse these affects. If these effects could be manufactured to do this to somebody, Can’t they be reversed as well.?
"Also remember, all the top politicians and ‘name’ players such as Brain Dead Biden, Ho Harris Emhoff and arch fraud Tony Fauci…were given a blank saline injection…not the real shot."
This would tend to make me think that lots more on the left are going to be dying, and those of us on the right who don't trust the establishment "vaccine is safe" message, but we know that big pharma has the ability to engineer a self-spreading vaccine that spreads much like the common cold.
Soon, if not already, they can release a vaccine into the populace that will infect every single person, much like a computer virus spreads to any computer in a network that still has the exploit, (the whole not filled.)
I am seriously thinking about starting taking Ivermectin, HQC and Zinc on rotating one a week basis as suggested by one doctor in order to prevent them unwillingly giving me the vaccine.