DC Exercise
? Notable
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Staging for 04 Jul celebration.
I guess that makes sense, but an entire month early though?! I’m surprised they are willing to leave the materials out so long with Antifa pyros running around.
I've lived in Dc for over 40 years. They've always started setup about a month out.
Any idea if thats even happening this year? I figured Biden would try to have the 4th of July stuff in DC canceled "because, uh, look here man... we didn't meet the 70% vaccination rate, I warned you"
As best as I can tell, the festivities are a go, sans parade.
Thanks for the inside intel, I appreciate it! Now can you go down there and make sure they know they’re gonna need enough supplies to write Trump 2021 in the sky this year ?
Hahaha - I cannot think of anything more miserable than being packed onto the Mall, in July, surrounded by drunk humanity. Except the ride home on the Metro. That is the worst part. I'll stay in the nearby 'burbs, thank you. I've done 4th on the Mall enough times I don't need to do it again.
So.. have you seen this "routine training" before?
No I haven't. I've seen the Black Hawks and other Fed LE (Park Service, USSS, etc.) helicopters flying low over the 14th st bridge and the monuments/mall. But I've never seen 4 land on the grounds of the US Capitol. To me it looks like a drill to EXFIL/EVAC VVIPs.
Blackhawks and Hueys low over DC is not unusual. 4 landing on the Capitol grounds is.
Likely this
I'll be surprised if Braindead Joe and the Ho acknowledge it at all.
That is, IF they are even in any position to do so on the 4th.
I didn’t realize Biden was interested in celebrating that particular holiday, so it never even crossed my mind.
One month early??
Yep. It takes a long time to set up all the staging, checkpoints, crowd control, scaffolding, AV, etc.
I'm drawing a blank on the name, but there was a weird Q proof associated with the name of the company which provided the security barriers.