posted ago by Saint_Duck ago by Saint_Duck +30 / -0

Mods - I believe this question is relevant because I don't know if our US Dollar will be the Worldwide Reserve currency after this is all over. Or if any current currency will be.
I do believe that Gold and Silver will retain their value no matter what we end up with so this brings me to the question. If you had $50,000 to buy Gold and Silver, what would you buy? All Gold? All Silver? 50/50 or some other combination.
Right now the premium on buying Gold is 4-6%, and silver is 15-20% if not more due to who the fuck knows. Probably because Silver has more potential to jump quickly. I'm not talking about getting rich though, I'm simply talking about holding value in uncertain times. I know a lot of you feel the same about precious metals and wanted input from people that realize Fiat currency doesn't last forever. My financial guys don't quite get it, they seem to think that the current dollar will last forever. I don't. Biden and the Fed is printing it into obscurity.