GrayLine 4 points ago +4 / -0

As much as I want his discoveries to be true, I have to remain skeptical. That said,

  1. The magnitude of all he claimed to have discovered speaks more to his credibility, since anything less would speak to madness and only a discovery so provincial could have been divinely inspired.
  2. If/when the Ark's reveal is commanded, I hope Ron's vindication in this life would match his glory as a faithful servant in the next.
GrayLine 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think it's a bit of cognitive dissonance regarding the debris and B7 connection. The narrative is that it was a controlled detonation, which limited the debris field... but by looking at any picture of aftermath we can see the debris was spread across the entire complex, making it reasonable that B7 could be damaged to the point of collapse. We also don't hear as much about how the rest of the complex was so heavily damaged that WTC 3:6 all had to be demolished, or how the church was destroyed.
The last paper I found gave a figure of the towers being 95% air so there wasn't a lot of material to slide out of the way. https://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/jom/0112/eagar/eagar-0112.html

GrayLine 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you! I've tried to compile and present as much evidence as I can and it's always an uphill battle. While we fight for the truth, our judgement cannot be clouded by logical fallacies and wishful thinking.

GrayLine 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well Coinbase has been sufficiently cucked for years so that's not a surprise. Best to have a hardware wallet as a backup.

GrayLine 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'd start the discussion with Paul Ehrlich's book The Population Bomb which started the movement and turned out to be spectacularly wrong; our technology developments far outpaced the supposed shortages. Similarly, climate alarmism has posted decades of false doomsday predictions.



Another angle could be the population graph no longer being a hockey stick, but will be leveling off over the next century as countries stabilize in the modern world; you can now sustain a population with 2-3 children per family vs. 10+ with most dying from disease as children.

I'd also suggest looking at the result of government intervention; China's One Child Policy has resulted in an aging workforce and 30+M unmarried men which is a coming disaster. Alternatively, there's a strong position against foreign aid, specifically to the third world, where instead of stopping a famine or reducing poverty you simply induce population growth that cannot be sustained by the landscape without permanent aid.

More evidence that it's a myth is the push to limit population growth in the west, where people are having the fewest children, but want to import more workers to locations where they will use more resources than where they left.

GrayLine 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't have IVM but 2-3 days of quercetin, D, zinc and elderberry in the AM, Animal Pak at night and it was over, nothing worse than a mild sore throat. I'd prefer it to the common cold.

GrayLine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you, I appreciate the alternative view. I just think we always need to be our own harshest critics. The thermite explanation in the video is interesting and I'd certainly like to understand it more. However, it's not a long search to find that a thermitic reaction involves iron oxide and aluminum and is accelerated by Manganese, which was supposedly in the ceiling tiles. So, the plane in the building is the precise environment to cause this to happen and I found a theory to that effect: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/09/110921074747.htm

The one report said the WTC could withstand the impact of a 707. I don't know if that's assuming max speed/weight, but a 767 has a 25% higher weight so that would mean a substantial difference in the force applied.

One thing I also didn't know until reading the comments is that WTC 4,5&6 took so much debris damage that they were demolished in the aftermath. I take that to mean that 1. the loss of 7 is not as obscure as I had thought, and 2. the debris field was more damaging than a controlled demolition.

But in any case, I'm looking for the truth. My expertise is on the electrical not civil, so if one of those smart guys want to produce their own model or demonstrate how a building is strong enough to stop its own collapse, I'd be happy to see it.

GrayLine -1 points ago +1 / -2


Sorry, it's too much of a stretch, completely breaks Occam's Razor and relies heavily on variable skepticism. Every variant has been thrown at 9/11 with the hope of something sticking and at best what you're left with is some incongruent noise. I remember watching Loose Change in the aftermath and thought it was interesting until I found the 100% point-by-point rebuttal, debunking everything they said. It's much easier to draw a line between decades of islamic terror attacks growing bolder and bureaucratic government stovepiping amidst the fog of war wrecking the response. Did some people in our government know? I'm sure. Did some others profit? I have no doubt. Was there some other grand conspiracy? I'm less inclined to believe.

GrayLine 1 point ago +2 / -1

I cannot say it's nothing. In a year I lost two middle-aged coworkers and a college classmate (mid-30's). A coworker lost his best friend and suffered vertigo for months after a bad bout of the coof. I had it last year and still have side effects which I think are related. Regardless of all the other noise, I've never seen a flu season cause that much damage.

The best explanation is the simplest: Labs experiment on diseases so they can learn how to fight them. By accident or design, it got loose and politicians are either bought off or too cowardly/uninformed to call off the BS countermeasures. I'm unsure about the bioweapon narrative. It certainly works out to chyna's favor so I can't rule it out.

GrayLine 2 points ago +2 / -0

The 5G standard is publicly available so you can read it if you're so inclined.

Keeping it simple, it's the latest signal structure for new cell networks. It uses wider bands at higher frequencies so you can have more data and users but it's a shorter range, so you need more signal sources. Because they're shorter range and lower power, they'll be less conspicuous than the existing towers.

It can use beamforming to improve connectivity, so if multiple towers know where you are, they can time the transmission of a weak signal so they reach you at the same time and still keep you connected. In that way, it's 'unavoidable' but the power is lower than anything else we're exposed to now, sort of like GPS.

I don't think it's too much worse than anything else RF-related we've invited into our lives (WIFI, Bluetooth, cordless phones, microwaves) and if it's a lower power it's probably a bit safer.

GrayLine 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's not so much tampering but finding the best fit from the original Greek, which is out there in a number of early texts. There's a wide range of English translations:


Check out the work of Joel Richardson and/or Walid Shoebat. Their book, God's War on Terror, maps the antichrist's kingdom to islam, not a secular government. In this verse, their claim is that "mark" is translated better as a "badge of servitude", as ISIS and AQ are regularly seen with head or arm bands with the islamic creed on them.

The short explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtquNNEO7Fw

GrayLine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reading Fault Lines put it all in perspective.

GrayLine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. Normal MilSpeak. Now as to who told them to gather there, that's another question entirely.

GrayLine 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think I had it last Oct; had a low fever and felt like hell for ~4 days but could still do the office job from home. Took plenty of zinc/zicam, elderberry and Animal Pak multi-vitamins. Took a total of 3 weeks off from the gym but was then back to full strength (M/36).
Not saying it isn't dangerous. We lost our office director (60) and one of my old classmates died in his sleep from it.

by nomadic
GrayLine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Senior year of HS, walked into calculus class and our teacher had the TV on. He was the only one with a signal b/c he had installed a set of rabbit ears. The first tower had just been hit and we saw the 2nd hit real-time. A crowd of other teachers/students gathered at the door before he turned it off and got through the end of the lesson. We got an announcement after class broke about all of the events since we were ~2 hrs from NYC and some had parents who worked in the area. The 10 year anniversary I spent in Afghanistan.

GrayLine -3 points ago +1 / -4

Please make better arguments.

#1. Two were struck by airliners. Their collapse did enough damage to destroy the third. NYC doesn't experience hurricanes or earthquakes so they wouldn't be designed to withstand such force. I'd be interested in seeing how many buildings around the world would survive a strike like that. #2. B/c HD cameras weren't pointed at the Pentagon in 2001, it's a black eye on the DoD and there's no reason to give our enemies free BDA. #3. They didn't. Plenty of identifiable debris was recovered. #4. It doesn't need to. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzF1KySHmUA #5. They did. https://www.militarytimes.com/2016/09/11/this-is-the-story-of-heather-lucky-penney-who-was-asked-to-do-the-unthinkable-on-9-11/ #6. That's how it works when you fail upward. I don't like it either but it still applies today. #7. They were supporting terrorism. Don't ask about SA because Oil https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorization_for_Use_of_Military_Force_Against_Iraq_Resolution_of_2002 #8. They're carrying extremely heavy loads and aren't designed to be struck by airliners. The force is well beyond what was considered in their construction. https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/design/a3524/4278874/

Full disclosure: I'm on board with any discussion regarding the validity of the official account of 9/11 but the hypothesis cannot guide the discussion. I remember watching Loose Change when it was released and became fairly convinced it was accurate, until I found a far more well-researched point-by-point rebuttal of every single piece of 'evidence' they cited.

Were the hijackers known? I find that compelling but Hanlon's razor applies. So does Occam's in this case.

The administration spent decades ignoring the growing terror threat b/c no one way paying attention to islam's true intentions.

Obviously some people knew what was coming and were able to profit from it. I'd find that dig to be more interesting.

The aftermath gave the government an excuse to gain more power, but the same can be said for every action since 1776.

In general, we cannot fall into the trap of adjusting our required burden of proof when deciding what to believe. Lots of people should be held to account but such is the world in which we live.

GrayLine 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's an exhaustive list at https://hereistheevidence.com/ They now show an app as well to keep a source at the ready but I haven't used it yet.

GrayLine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kim's daughter posted a number of his videos. So much there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBEOzZdP1co

GrayLine 4 points ago +4 / -0

McAfee's Telegram along with his website has been linking to a number of Rusty's videos over the last week so there is apparently some connection. The posts borrow heavily from Q although there is still discussion on the Deadman switch, $Whackd and p3dogate.

GrayLine 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very interesting. I just saw the history referenced in Lohmeier's book. From the notes he used a book called Perfectibilists by Terry Melanson which might be useful too.

GrayLine 2 points ago +2 / -0

I went with firm and I consider it to have moderate support but not overdone. If you are on the fence, I'd go Firm or Extra Firm... or just go up one from what you've used in the past.

GrayLine 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are 'stablecoins' out there which are linked to the value of the dollar. USD Coin (USDC) and Biance Coin (BUSD) are two options.

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