They won't die quickly or in the same ways if it happens that way. Some will die soon, others later. Some will die after encountering a variant, some will die of cancer, stroke or other ailments. It's a soft kill not a hard kill, it'll take time. In this way many will not tie these events back to the vaccine.
This is what I think, doesn't make it true.
It is likely that Trump supporting the vaccines and getting them out quickly saved us from a much longer lockdown (5+ years) as well as avoidance of mandatory vaccines (at least until they are FDA approved).
We don't actually know what the injections are supposed to do - other than provide an excuse for vaccine passports and social score systems. Those are critical pieces of the DS great reset plan.
There are 2 problems that we know of with the injections:
They cause your body to produce spike proteins, which are toxic. That was a very bad idea in the first place.
The injection RNA was supposed to stay localized in people's shoulder muscle, but in reality they migrate throughout a person's body, creating spike proteins everywhere.
Exactly what kinds of multiple health problems that will cause going forward over the long term is unknown. All the idiots that got the injections are the experimental research subjects, instead of lab rats.
These idiots will not all start dying at once, but it looks like they have shortened their lifespans at a minimum. Maybe sterilized a good percentage as well - again, we don't really know, and the DS is doing their best to censor all information about the adverse affects of the injections, along with any news of safe, effective and inexpensive treatments.
Once the idiots start to realize what they have done to themselves... things are going to get very interesting.
Edit: some percentage of people are getting placebos (saline probably), but we don't know if that is a rare mix-up or a more prevalent mitigation effort.
One can either play the victim card and blame everyone else for their poor choices, or one can take responsibility for the poor choices that they make.
That's what being free is all about. The decision ultimately resides with the individual.
Don't blame someone else if you didn't take the time to study the issues. At least in the US, there was no legal mandate or requirement for getting the jab.
If theres a plan like we all believe.i would imagine there is a counter measure the vax.
But if not.trump told us there were treatments.he told us there were preventatives and a few other things. Anons have found stuff as well. The trump supporters that took it should have held the line like we are.
The elderly,not much we can do there.theyre kept in constant fear of something killing them and the doctor is always right. Many of them probably dont know how to use the internet to get the info we got.all they do is watch tv news all day. These are the people i feel bad for.
The rest.theyre all on facebook and twatter and shit.we have gotten the messages out long enough before the censors grabbed it fir them to see it.
This is war whether everybody believes it or not.there will be casualties on both sides. Aint a damn thing we can do but try to give them the info and hope for the best for them.
I'd be much more worried about them waking up and realizing they were poisoned. Frankly if I had solid proof that someone gave me a shot like that and it was guaranteed to kill me... worse it give me Alzheimer's so it fries my brain within years... at 50-55 years old... LOL I'd start hunting like a savage animal for the people to blame and anyone that got in my way would regret it.
Now imagine a guy 35-45 that finds out his 15-25 year old son had a stroke and will be a vegetable for the rest of his short life. His entire family line is ended etc etc... he has zero to lose and he just spent 10+ years in the middle east in combat. Yeah, GL with that cabal. You're so screwed. One guy like that is a lone wolf... when you create 10,000 of them in a year flat you're just dead meat. When they start organizing. When they come at you 20-50 at a time using squad tactics and explosives. Heh... makes me giggle just thinking about it. There aren't enough body guards and police to ever prepare for that.
These cabal/big pharma idiots better hope and pray someone arrests them because the only safe place for them is a cell. Truth is thinking about it I'm starting to believe the GITMO idea is true more than ever. Except its not about preventing people from breaking them out... its about preventing a mob from overtaking the jail dragging these monsters out and lynching them.
The tribunals aren't executing them fast enough to quell the rage... kek! SMH...
Yeah, now imagine that's Fauci who mistakenly walked into a crowd thinking it was safe except two dozen people in the crowd either took the shot themselves and/or lost or will lose love ones because of the vaccine and/or covid... or they lost a business/livelihood, maybe all of the above.
One of them will Jack Ruby his ass so fast no one will even know what happened and Fauci will already have ten rounds in his chest. Walking dead men do crazy shit. They have nothing to lose.
Once this type of thing happens 4-5 times then they really won't go out on the street. If they do even with guards people will go after them. Can't shoot your way past guards... no problem run them all over with the 10 ton dump truck you still own from your failed business. Weld some steel over the glass and ramming speed.
Think it won't happen? If they put 100 million people in that dead man walking category it becomes simple math... a few thousand of them at the very least will take that revenge path guaranteed. If its more than a few thousand, its like 50 thousand... get the hell out of their way. That's a zombie horde you don't want to mess with. That's the talking, thinking, fast moving armed kind of zombie that's the nightmare of every sci-fi fan.
Good questions. I need to think about this one some more, especially in light of several agencies concerned with State Security are busy spreading civil servant porn on potential anti state activity of those who are trying to get the message out. A more worrying issue is that these unelected idiots try to decide who, engaged in getting the message on the jab out, do this willingly and consciously or not. They call it of course fake news. At least on the European continent.
So, as long as the counter narrative gets suppressed, the next covid-21 pandemic is in the preparation phase, and people are looking forward to being able to travel to sunny holiday destinations by getting vaxxed, that moment of wake up may be quite different from country to country and pushed beyond the turn of 2022.
Lest ..... HUGE problems are going to appear.
Then .... all bets are off.
The colluders and pushers know this. And are preparing for it.
One thing that would happen... is exactly what you'd do if you were told you only have a year left to live. There ARE NO CONSEQUENCES.
The vaccinated would be free to do anything they want for an entire year. Who cares if they get arrested a dozen times? Who cares if they get fines that they don't intend to pay? By the time whatever they were arrested for comes to trial... they will be dead anyway... so who cares?
Imagine 150 Million Americans living a consequence free year, after which they know they won't survive. I wouldn't go near a liberal city.
I think you are missing whats going to happen., Because these people will all die between 4 months and 2 years after they get the vax these people will not associate all the death with the vaccine. It is at that point the government comes out and says there is a new coronavirus killing everyone and make you get the vaccine. That is the end game
There is no flu season. Flu is all year they think there is a season because fall and winter have many more viruses are running rampant. I dont know if austrailia has a season in fall and winter as they are warm year round. They are probably getting viruses in the masses year round due to the heat. They like all will start dropping dead.
"Why would the elites kill off populations so quickly such as in 2 years that it becomes painfully obvious and it would trigger survivors to chop the elites' heads off?" Perhaps because they want to get the total population down to 500 million and they don't care how they get to that number.
",,,and it would trigger survivors to chop the elites' heads off?" The elites always think they're in control and that they'll be able to manipulate/manage/control. They're also not very good at anticipating unintended consequences, though up this point that hasn't seemed to get in the way of their march to total control.
"Unfortunately it doesn't help how Trump may have caused a percentage of his supporters to get it." Trump didn't 'cause' anyone to do anything. Part of the Great Awakening is the understanding that one is responsible for oneself and one's own choices and consequences. Anyone who took the injection simply because of anything Trump said (or their doctor said or the MSM said) was ignoring their own responsibility to themselves for themselves. It's a shame there are so many of them who got the injection, but everyone wants the right to make their own choices, and that's what free will is all about.
Also, how many are placebo since this is still part of the trial? From what I have researched, all ratios have been at a 1:1. Could definitely be why some get sick and some don’t.
These people can go from healthy to vegetable the day after getting the shot and not attribute it to the shot. (Well, their friends and families if they're dead)
Two years down the road? I don't think they'd ever put two and two together.
A stolen election can be recovered from. However, a hypothetical die-off of 50% of America's population can not be recovered from, because when someone dies they can never come back.
And thus, there is no way a mass die-off WOULDN'T cause survivors to actually act to murder the elites for revenge.
They won't die quickly or in the same ways if it happens that way. Some will die soon, others later. Some will die after encountering a variant, some will die of cancer, stroke or other ailments. It's a soft kill not a hard kill, it'll take time. In this way many will not tie these events back to the vaccine.
This is what I think, doesn't make it true.
It is likely that Trump supporting the vaccines and getting them out quickly saved us from a much longer lockdown (5+ years) as well as avoidance of mandatory vaccines (at least until they are FDA approved).
We don't actually know what the injections are supposed to do - other than provide an excuse for vaccine passports and social score systems. Those are critical pieces of the DS great reset plan.
There are 2 problems that we know of with the injections:
They cause your body to produce spike proteins, which are toxic. That was a very bad idea in the first place.
The injection RNA was supposed to stay localized in people's shoulder muscle, but in reality they migrate throughout a person's body, creating spike proteins everywhere.
Exactly what kinds of multiple health problems that will cause going forward over the long term is unknown. All the idiots that got the injections are the experimental research subjects, instead of lab rats.
These idiots will not all start dying at once, but it looks like they have shortened their lifespans at a minimum. Maybe sterilized a good percentage as well - again, we don't really know, and the DS is doing their best to censor all information about the adverse affects of the injections, along with any news of safe, effective and inexpensive treatments.
Once the idiots start to realize what they have done to themselves... things are going to get very interesting.
Edit: some percentage of people are getting placebos (saline probably), but we don't know if that is a rare mix-up or a more prevalent mitigation effort.
One can either play the victim card and blame everyone else for their poor choices, or one can take responsibility for the poor choices that they make.
That's what being free is all about. The decision ultimately resides with the individual.
Don't blame someone else if you didn't take the time to study the issues. At least in the US, there was no legal mandate or requirement for getting the jab.
If theres a plan like we all believe.i would imagine there is a counter measure the vax.
But if not.trump told us there were treatments.he told us there were preventatives and a few other things. Anons have found stuff as well. The trump supporters that took it should have held the line like we are.
The elderly,not much we can do there.theyre kept in constant fear of something killing them and the doctor is always right. Many of them probably dont know how to use the internet to get the info we got.all they do is watch tv news all day. These are the people i feel bad for.
The rest.theyre all on facebook and twatter and shit.we have gotten the messages out long enough before the censors grabbed it fir them to see it.
This is war whether everybody believes it or not.there will be casualties on both sides. Aint a damn thing we can do but try to give them the info and hope for the best for them.
I'd be much more worried about them waking up and realizing they were poisoned. Frankly if I had solid proof that someone gave me a shot like that and it was guaranteed to kill me... worse it give me Alzheimer's so it fries my brain within years... at 50-55 years old... LOL I'd start hunting like a savage animal for the people to blame and anyone that got in my way would regret it.
Now imagine a guy 35-45 that finds out his 15-25 year old son had a stroke and will be a vegetable for the rest of his short life. His entire family line is ended etc etc... he has zero to lose and he just spent 10+ years in the middle east in combat. Yeah, GL with that cabal. You're so screwed. One guy like that is a lone wolf... when you create 10,000 of them in a year flat you're just dead meat. When they start organizing. When they come at you 20-50 at a time using squad tactics and explosives. Heh... makes me giggle just thinking about it. There aren't enough body guards and police to ever prepare for that.
These cabal/big pharma idiots better hope and pray someone arrests them because the only safe place for them is a cell. Truth is thinking about it I'm starting to believe the GITMO idea is true more than ever. Except its not about preventing people from breaking them out... its about preventing a mob from overtaking the jail dragging these monsters out and lynching them.
The tribunals aren't executing them fast enough to quell the rage... kek! SMH...
Yeah, now imagine that's Fauci who mistakenly walked into a crowd thinking it was safe except two dozen people in the crowd either took the shot themselves and/or lost or will lose love ones because of the vaccine and/or covid... or they lost a business/livelihood, maybe all of the above.
One of them will Jack Ruby his ass so fast no one will even know what happened and Fauci will already have ten rounds in his chest. Walking dead men do crazy shit. They have nothing to lose.
Once this type of thing happens 4-5 times then they really won't go out on the street. If they do even with guards people will go after them. Can't shoot your way past guards... no problem run them all over with the 10 ton dump truck you still own from your failed business. Weld some steel over the glass and ramming speed.
Think it won't happen? If they put 100 million people in that dead man walking category it becomes simple math... a few thousand of them at the very least will take that revenge path guaranteed. If its more than a few thousand, its like 50 thousand... get the hell out of their way. That's a zombie horde you don't want to mess with. That's the talking, thinking, fast moving armed kind of zombie that's the nightmare of every sci-fi fan.
Good questions. I need to think about this one some more, especially in light of several agencies concerned with State Security are busy spreading civil servant porn on potential anti state activity of those who are trying to get the message out. A more worrying issue is that these unelected idiots try to decide who, engaged in getting the message on the jab out, do this willingly and consciously or not. They call it of course fake news. At least on the European continent.
So, as long as the counter narrative gets suppressed, the next covid-21 pandemic is in the preparation phase, and people are looking forward to being able to travel to sunny holiday destinations by getting vaxxed, that moment of wake up may be quite different from country to country and pushed beyond the turn of 2022.
Lest ..... HUGE problems are going to appear.
Then .... all bets are off.
The colluders and pushers know this. And are preparing for it.
One thing that would happen... is exactly what you'd do if you were told you only have a year left to live. There ARE NO CONSEQUENCES.
The vaccinated would be free to do anything they want for an entire year. Who cares if they get arrested a dozen times? Who cares if they get fines that they don't intend to pay? By the time whatever they were arrested for comes to trial... they will be dead anyway... so who cares?
Imagine 150 Million Americans living a consequence free year, after which they know they won't survive. I wouldn't go near a liberal city.
I think you are missing whats going to happen., Because these people will all die between 4 months and 2 years after they get the vax these people will not associate all the death with the vaccine. It is at that point the government comes out and says there is a new coronavirus killing everyone and make you get the vaccine. That is the end game
There is no flu season. Flu is all year they think there is a season because fall and winter have many more viruses are running rampant. I dont know if austrailia has a season in fall and winter as they are warm year round. They are probably getting viruses in the masses year round due to the heat. They like all will start dropping dead.
"Why would the elites kill off populations so quickly such as in 2 years that it becomes painfully obvious and it would trigger survivors to chop the elites' heads off?" Perhaps because they want to get the total population down to 500 million and they don't care how they get to that number.
",,,and it would trigger survivors to chop the elites' heads off?" The elites always think they're in control and that they'll be able to manipulate/manage/control. They're also not very good at anticipating unintended consequences, though up this point that hasn't seemed to get in the way of their march to total control.
"Unfortunately it doesn't help how Trump may have caused a percentage of his supporters to get it." Trump didn't 'cause' anyone to do anything. Part of the Great Awakening is the understanding that one is responsible for oneself and one's own choices and consequences. Anyone who took the injection simply because of anything Trump said (or their doctor said or the MSM said) was ignoring their own responsibility to themselves for themselves. It's a shame there are so many of them who got the injection, but everyone wants the right to make their own choices, and that's what free will is all about.
Also, how many are placebo since this is still part of the trial? From what I have researched, all ratios have been at a 1:1. Could definitely be why some get sick and some don’t.
These people can go from healthy to vegetable the day after getting the shot and not attribute it to the shot. (Well, their friends and families if they're dead)
Two years down the road? I don't think they'd ever put two and two together.
Why would they kill themselves? Not sure I follow that line of thought
A stolen election can be recovered from. However, a hypothetical die-off of 50% of America's population can not be recovered from, because when someone dies they can never come back.
And thus, there is no way a mass die-off WOULDN'T cause survivors to actually act to murder the elites for revenge.
He and Ivanka got it supposedly
There are stories that disagree with that. Ivanka got a jab in her arm - probably saline.
I got slapped (not literally) for suggesting the picture of Ivanka was fake but that is why I say supposedly! ??
Too much imagining. Th as ts playing the "What IF" game. And we don't deal in "what if's."
It would become:
Let dead bury the dead.
But God has better plan and many can be saved.
I don’t know about the timing of it all, but if you took the jab, there is a 100% chance that you will die.