I love it when they put former in front of his name. Traditionally, it's still supposed to be President Trump, even if he's no longer in office. So, when someone writes former, you just know how under their skin he is.
Wait till you hear it from Trump himself, or a trusted Ally. USA Today is absolute GARBAGE commie swill. Who knows what these commies got planned next...see Gen McInerney’s Warning ⚠️
You think he doesn't know that? Until the operation is complete he has to continue pushing it. We are at war. It's the difference of saving a few thousand lives or saving millions of lives.
I really like Joe Blystone. I've been to hear him speak and he is the real deal. Establishment GOP is trying to come down on him hard so our county formed their own group to support him. He is a true citizen candidate stepping up to do what needs to be done in this Ohio swamp. I'd be over the moon if Trump would endorse him.
I love it when they put former in front of his name. Traditionally, it's still supposed to be President Trump, even if he's no longer in office. So, when someone writes former, you just know how under their skin he is.
He's there to make sure Gonzales never wins an office again.
Come on man! I'm in cincy and I'll be driving the 4 hours to Cleveland for the man saving the republic, you should too!
Itll be on a Saturday, and if you work Saturdays, you're calling in sick. I'll fuckin drive you! Lezzgo! We fightin for freedom!
alright alright fair enough
WooHoo! POTUS is back in the Arena! Liberal heads are exploding everywhere! ?
Wooooooo. Fucking. Hookooooooo!!!
Wait till you hear it from Trump himself, or a trusted Ally. USA Today is absolute GARBAGE commie swill. Who knows what these commies got planned next...see Gen McInerney’s Warning ⚠️
You think he doesn't know that? Until the operation is complete he has to continue pushing it. We are at war. It's the difference of saving a few thousand lives or saving millions of lives.
If he mentions our governor he'll be booed hard.
Have you any opinion on Joe Blystone?
I really like Joe Blystone. I've been to hear him speak and he is the real deal. Establishment GOP is trying to come down on him hard so our county formed their own group to support him. He is a true citizen candidate stepping up to do what needs to be done in this Ohio swamp. I'd be over the moon if Trump would endorse him.